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Old 07-11-2013, 01:23 PM   #161
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Default Glass grenades

Glass glans fragmentation grenade; Dmg 3d [1d+1] cr ex; Weight 1 lb; Cost $60

A simple weapon made from an ovoid glass container, the size that in LT can hold a maximum of 14 cubic inches (but designed for less volume than that), with Rugged and Expensive modifiers applied to represent high-quality and good design, as well as another +4 CF* for standardisation and quality control. Comes to 0.384 lbs. of casing, which costs $12. Add 3.5 oz. of smokepowder (0.22 lbs. and $44) and stuff the rest of the volume full of bronze fragmentation material (just under 0.4 lbs., $4).

More or less the density of rock and will fly as far as a standard 1-lb rock.

Glass glans flame grenade; Dmg 1d burn cyclic (10d turns); Weight 1 lb; Cost $115

This is a large glass ovoid container, the size of the glass heavy fragmentation grenade, but with thinner walls. It's strengthened with thin lead bands at the ends and holds 14 cubic inches of Alchemist's Fire. A direct hit inflicts the above damage (as well as splash damage of 1d-2 burn to anyone within one yard in the second of impact and 1d-4 burn to anyone approaching that close while the flame still burns). If thrown on the ground, it instead creates a circle of flame 2 yds wide, doing 1d-1 burn to anyone within 1 yd and 1d-2 burn out to 2 yds from the point of impact. In either case, it burns for 10d seconds. Non-sealed armour protects at 1/5 DR and water cannot exstinguish the fires.

It's about as dense as a fired clay projectile for slings and will fly as far as 1-lb clay ovoid.

Glass glans heavy fragmentation grenade; Dmg 4d [2d+2] cr ex; Weight 3 lb; Cost $130

A simple weapon made from an ovoid glass container, the size that in LT can hold a maximum of 14 cubic inches, with Rugged and Expensive modifiers applied to represent high-quality and good design, as well as another +4 CF* for standardisation and quality control. Reinforced +200% for thicker sides. Comes to 1.152 lbs. of casing, which costs $15. Add 8 oz. of smokepowder (0.5 lbs. and $100) and stuff the rest of the volume full of bronze fragmentation material (just under 1.35 lbs., $13.5). Round to a neat $130.

Denser than rock, but not as dense as lead. Gets a +20% bonus to Range and a +1/die bonus to damage compared to rock ammunition.

*Less than the x10 to base cost applied to the smallest earthenware container used as a shell, because glass was actually used in alchemical work and suchlike, so would be more familiar with precise requirements and odd shapes.
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Last edited by Icelander; 07-11-2013 at 02:33 PM.
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