As requested, here is one ranged specialist. I think this guy is more generally useful and you wouldn't have to include guys that could be mind controlled for my guy to not be completely useless.
Name: Kuang Ran
Attributes [160]
ST 14 [10]
DX 16 [120]
IQ 9
HT 12 [20]
HP 14
Will 10 [5]
Per 9
FP 12
Basic Lift 39
Damage 1d/2d
Basic Speed 7
Basic Move 8 [5]
Social Background
TL: 3
Cultural Familiarities: Town
Languages: Common
Advantages [103]
Half-Ogre [0]
Chi Talent 3 [45]
Trained by a Master [30]
Ambidexterity [5]
Extra Attack 1 (Chi, -10%) [23]
Disadvantages [-50]
Disciplines of Faith (Chi Rituals) [-10]
Vow (Vegetarianism) [-5]
Honesty [-10]
No Sense of Humor [-10]
Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions) [-5]
Stubbornness [-5]
Overconfidence [-5]
Quirks [-5]
Distinctive Feature: Shaved Head and Tattoos
Not Particularly Fond of Elves
Smells of Cinammon
Minor Pacifism
Dislikes Comfort
Skills [42]
Jumping (E) DX [1]-16
Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [2]-15
Judo (H) DX [4]-16
Karate (H) DX [4]-16
Shortsword (A) DX+1 [4]-17
Sling (H) DX-2 [1]-14
Stealth (A) DX-1 [1]-15
Meditation (H) Will-1 [2]-9
Tactics (H) IQ [4]-9
Fast-Draw (Stick) (E) DX [1]-16
Fast-Draw (Shuriken) (E) DX [1]-16
Fast-Draw (Arrow) (E) DX [1]-16
Throwing Art (H) DX+3 [4]-19*
Light Walk (H) DX+2 [2]-18*
Power Blow (H) Will+2 [2]-12*
Flying Leap (H) IQ+2 [2]-11*
Kiai (H) HT+2 [2]-14*
Breath Control (H) HT+2 [2]-14*
Mental Strength (H) Will+4 [2]-14*
*Includes +3 for Chi Talent
Six Boomerangs - Weight 6 - $120
Cornucopia Quiver - Weight .5 - $110
Forty Shuriken - Weight 4 - $120
Two Bladed Hands - Weight 2 - $200
Mail Shirt with +1 Fortify and -25% Lighten - Weight 12 - $150 + $125 enchantments
Mail Coif with +1 Fortify and -25% Lighten - Weight 3.75 - $55 + $25 enchantments
Boots with +1 Fortify and -25% Lighten - Weight 2.25 - $80 + $11.25 enchantments
Regular Clothes - Weight 2
Stats [160] Ads [103] Disads [-50] Quirks [-5] Skills [42] = Total [250]