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Old 01-31-2012, 03:28 PM   #13
GURPS Line Editor
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Location: Montréal, Québec
Default Re: Encouraging different attacks

Combat Openings

Optionally, on each turn before you attack your opponent, roll on the Hit Location Table (p. B552). The resulting body part is currently a "target of opportunity" for you. It's presented boldy and easier for you to hit: halve the penalty to hit that location, rounding in your favor, if you deliberately target it right now. The torso can't be a target of opportunity – if you roll 9-10, roll 1d on the following table instead.
1 – Your foe's weapon isn't ideally placed to defend against you. If you attack his weapon right now (to grab it, disarm, etc.), you get +1 to hit and he has -1 to defend. If you try an unarmed grab, his defense can't injure your hand even if he parries with a weapon. If he's unarmed, treat this as a presented hand.

2 – Your foe isn't watching your off hand. If you attack with that hand right now, you get +1 to hit and he has -1 to defend. This includes shield bashes! If you try an unarmed punch, his defense can't injure your hand even if he parries with a weapon. If you're using a two-handed weapon, these benefits apply to a blow with the pommel. If you're grappling him with both hands, treat as 3.

3 – Your foe isn't watching your feet. If you kick him right now, you get +1 to hit and he has -1 to defend. His defense can't injure your foot, even if he parries with a weapon.

4 – Your foe isn't controlling distance or position well. If you grapple him right now, you have +1 to hit and he has -1 to defend. If you try an unarmed grapple, his defense can't injure you even if he parries with a weapon. If you're already grappling him, treat as 5. If he's grappling you, you have +2 to break free instead. If both conditions apply, you may choose one option.

5 – Your foe is momentarily off-balance. If you make a knockback-only attack (like a shove) right now, you get +2 damage for knockback purposes only. If you try to knock him down with a move that uses a Quick Contest (like a takedown or a Sweep), he has -2 in the Contest instead. If either is an unarmed move, like a barehanded shove or a sweeping kick, his defense can't injure you even if he parries with a weapon. If he's on the ground, treat as 3.

6 – No special effect. Somehow, your foe is watching everything and presenting nothing!
These effects only apply to your attacks on that one foe. Nobody else on the battlefield is affected by these roll(s). To take advantage of this turn's opening, you must act now; you cannot try another attack first, much less wait until a later turn.
Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch <>
GURPS Line Editor, Steve Jackson Games
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