03-29-2011, 02:37 PM
Re: Energy Reserve recharging
Originally Posted by munin
For future reference, would you mind posting your exact question and Kromm's response? Sometimes it's in the details...
Originally Posted by Kromm
Originally Posted by Sunrunners_Fire
We have a discussion going ( here) about the rules legality of allowing Regeneration (ER) to work on Energy Reserve (Special Recharge) that I'd appreciate your opinion on.
Its' being argued that limiting ER with Special Recharge prohibits Regeneration (ER) from working.
To qualify for Special Recharge, the Energy Reserve must require external charging, which means "external from the user." The usual methods of gathering energy from outside are DR (Absorption) and Leech, and spells such as Steal Energy. With an Accessibility limitation such as "Only during mass" or "Only in a nuclear reactor," suitably modified Regeneration also counts. Regeneration without such a limitation does not count, as there's nothing "special" about the recharge – it effectively comes from within.
And yes, you can quote that. :)
*posts with permission*