I just wanted to post this info that Dom Mooney kindly put up on the TML
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Want the PP:Escort ships? Fundraiser for Loren
Friday 10 September 2010 Filed in: News
You may not be aware, but Loren Wiseman – one of the founders of GDW and the man who was responsible for Traveller’s continued existence at Steve Jackson Games after Imperium Games imploded – has had a heart attack and is presently in hospital.
As a freelancer, this has hit him hard financially in terms of medical fees and his ability to work.
As a result, BITS would like to join in some of the efforts to raise funds for Loren and give something back in return...
Send a donation via Paypal to Marc Miller at
Farfuture@gmail.com, marking it ‘Loren Wiseman Fundraiser - Power Projection’, and then send a copy of the transaction confirmation to
If I receive confirmation of more than $100 in transactions, I will make the PDF of all the ships for Power Projection: Escort that were not included in Power Projection: Fleet available to download for free on 20th September 2010.
These are:
200T SDB
Broadsword Class
Chrysanthemum Class
Fer-de-Lance Class
Kinunir Class
Midu Agashaam Class
Chtierabl Class Tender
Plokl Class
Shivva Class
Vlezhdatl Class
Zhdoq Class
Zhodatl Class
These will be updated to match the Power Projection: Fleet SSDs and include Points and RCP values.
I will post updates on progress via the @BITS_Traveller Twitter feed.