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Old 06-27-2018, 12:30 AM   #1
pzmcgwire's Avatar
Join Date: May 2018
Default Single roll for tread attacks for infantry and super heavies?

Is there a way to do a single 1-1 attack roll for 3 infantry units or 1 superheavy tank against treads?

Right now it looks like all attacks against treads split a superheavy tank into 2 rolls?

Infantry also attack treads as individual units not as combined 3 or 2 unit combinations.

In the board game, I think you could always opt to fire singly, but also opt to combine infantry into 2 and 3 units when firing against treads.
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Old 06-27-2018, 08:27 AM   #2
Ogre Line Editor
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Location: Plainfield, IL
Default Re: Single roll for tread attacks for infantry and super heavies?

Originally Posted by pzmcgwire View Post
Is there a way to do a single 1-1 attack roll for 3 infantry units or 1 superheavy tank against treads?

Right now it looks like all attacks against treads split a superheavy tank into 2 rolls?

Infantry also attack treads as individual units not as combined 3 or 2 unit combinations.

In the board game, I think you could always opt to fire singly, but also opt to combine infantry into 2 and 3 units when firing against treads.

This was one of the "optimizations" where they deviate slightly from the rules in favor of the "statistically better" chance to get some treads vs the all eggs in one basket approach. I've reported this as something that should be changed (a long time ago), but it still hasn't been addressed (for better or worse).
Ogre Line Editor
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Old 06-27-2018, 10:21 AM   #3
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Default Re: Single roll for tread attacks for infantry and super heavies?

Thanks. Was wondering if there was an option drop-down I was missing.

Is there a full list of the video game deviations from the boardgame?

GEVs that fire cannot ram during their second movement phase, so that rule from ODE has been implemented.

I suppose knocking out something is better than nothing, but sometimes you want that full damage roll and would rather chance one roll than multiple ones.

Adding the option of a single roll for infantry and superheaviess would add to the tactical options in the game if it were implemented.

Last edited by pzmcgwire; 06-27-2018 at 10:37 AM.
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Old 06-27-2018, 10:41 AM   #4
Ogre Line Editor
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Default Re: Single roll for tread attacks for infantry and super heavies?

Believe me, I've been lobbing stuff at them since Sept (yikes: currently at 211 emails). :-)

If there's anything you want addressed (bugs, feature requests, etc), email so it gets added to the pile.

You can find the "official list" of the Digital Edition Changelog in the game itself under How To Play in the Menu. I don't think that list is complete, though (eg, this specific issue is not listed), but I know it's been mentioned.

It's absolutely important to allow the player to choose how to group the attack.
Ogre Line Editor
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