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Old 09-03-2018, 08:13 PM   #1
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Default High End Swords

Swords of Renown

The following are only for games that are HIGH FANTASY. This is not an everyday, buy it at the market weapon. They are intended for use by the GM to add legendary quality to their adventures and possibly reward those player characters who reach the epitome of their game. Hint: this is probably for 40+ point characters.
I had to create several of the spells as I didn't see an equivalent in TFT.
(Note: the math may be a little off on market values and time to create.)

Named Weapons
Type of Weapon: Any Sword
Description: A Master Armor might make a Great Work for a Great Purpose. He would make a special weapon that is so finely crafted as to be exceptional. This is usually +1Dam and +1 Dx. It will be obvious that this is a weapon of princely sums.
Bastard Sword
Fine Weapon of +1Dam, +1Dx
Break Bonus: Roll 1, 2, or 3 on 1d6 = no break
Market Value: $100 for sword x 100 (cost multiplier) = $10,000
Great Purpose: Protector of Tanander Forest
Name: BoroGroves
Takes 1 year to make.
When finished, the Master Armorer puts his Mark on it. This sword is then registered with the Armorer’s Guild and given a name by the maker. It can be rechristened by the new owner, but that rarely happens.

After may battles, the Named Weapon’s renown gives an equivalent of Charisma to the owner (due to prestige and awe) from those who care about status or war (Gives automatic +1 on all reaction rolls.). Others probably won’t be affected by the Name. Note: it will also make the owner a target for jealous NPC.

Sometimes these weapons are made to be endowed with magic.
If the Magic is put on it at the same time as the making (right after the Anvil Test to see if the blade breaks), the Magician will also have his mark put on the weapon and be registered with the Armorer’s Guild. The price of the sword goes up astronomically.

These weapons are usually entrusted to paragons that will fulfill the intended purpose of the sword.


Ego Sword
Type of Weapons: Bastard Sword, 2 Handed Sword only
Description: Almost all of the Ego Swords come from the time of the Mnoren.
If it is an old sword, it is likely to be encrusted with jewels and runes.

These are artifacts and are the most powerful swords known. These days they can only be made by Dwarven or Elven Wizard Master Armorers. These are Named Swords that have been thrice forged (broken while tested on the anvil, reforged and broken again and reforged a third time.)

A powerful Spirit possess a thrice forged Named Sword at the time of the swords creation. It is a Non-Player Character and has its own personality.

An Ego Sword may take as long as 4 years in the forging and magicking.

The Ego Sword possess Attributes (30 point) of ST, DX, IQ. It is created by GM and run jointly by GM and Player Character.
NOTE: Ego Swords start out at as 21 point NPC at inception. The above stats are for Ego Swords that originated thousands of years ago.

The IQ regulates what it can learn and any IQ rolls needed.
The ST regulates how much fatigue can be used. When it reaches 1, it can just observe what is happening. When it reaches 0 ST, it goes dormant for 1d6 days.
The DX is there in case the sword needs to use powers that are DX related.
For determining initiative sequence, use the Ego Sword’s DX for regular activation if it is doing anything like taking command, doing spells or talking. Use the wielder’s DX for sword use if the Ego Sword is doing regular fighting. If the wielder has higher DX, he may very well go before the Ego Sword has a chance to say anything.

The fatigue can be rested up after 24 hours or 12 hours in its scabbard.

These Ego Swords will follow its purpose and pursue those ends.

The Ego Sword thrives on renown from war and such. If the desires of the sword are not heeded, it will manipulate the owner. If the owner’s ST + IQ are lower than the Ego Sword’s ST + IQ, roll a Contest of Wills. If the owner loses, the owner will be persuaded to do the Sword’s bidding, be it battle glory, getting rid of other magical swords its jealous of, or getting back to the sword’s mission. There is a limit to how far this control can go, though. Note: if circumstances lowers Character IQ or ST, it may be cause for a Test.

If persuasion doesn’t work, the sword might refuse its power, even to the point of dropping or holding the owner’s hand so it doesn’t strike.

The Ego Sword can gain experience like a Very Powerful Race PC and it will require a portion of the spoils to adorn their scabbards and itself.
The scabbards can be Named also if it has magical enhancements.

In addition to Named Sword bonus, an Ego Sword has the following capabilities:

• Tactics per the Talent (ITL p14) For the purposes of the Ego Sword, this is a spell. Its range is the room or a mega megahex. Roll IQ for Sword. Success as per Tactics Talent; Failure means the Sword is unsure of their tactics, but takes 1 point fatigue anyway. Failed attempts can be tried again after 1 minute for 2 fatigue points.

• Detect Enemies (AW p12) Note: this is hostility to the sword, however since the owner’s wellbeing often matters to the sword, he is included. As soon as enemy comes within the range, Roll IQ to detect it. Take 2 points fatigue once, it is active for the rest of the encounter. The Ego Sword blade will glow (perhaps a different color for different types of enemy?) If it fails IQ roll, it suspects nothing and expends 1 point fatigue. If enemies leave the range, it stops being detected.

• Limited Mage Sight - Invisible (AW p 13) Mega Megahex range. If something comes within that space, roll Thrown Spell at DX to see it. Take 1 point fatigue once, it is active for the rest of the encounter. If it leaves the Mega Megahex the Ego Sword no longer sees it. If it fails roll, it suspects nothing.

• Plus one spell at IQ or below during Ego Sword creation.

In the future, a Mage may place one other spell (hopefully at the request of the sword) on it and then it has reached the Magic rule of 5.

These spells are continuously on and if something gets within its range it activates automatically for appropriate Fatigue loss. What is learned from the spells are for the Ego Sword’s knowledge. If the Ego Sword does not wish to relay any data, it won’t.

At IQ 12, the sword may become able to talk and can learn a language. (and it can learn more languages as any PC would).

Once it can talk, it will lobby for its scabbard to be enhanced both cosmetically and with spells. For it is the ‘home’ of the sword. At this point it can also let the owner know the results of the some of the spells or reports on what it has observed.

At IQ 14, it can buy Telepathy if it has a space in the Rule of 5.
Note: Telepathy will work ON the Ego Sword, so the owner, or others can communicate with it even if it can’t ‘speak’.

A few of the more ancient Ego Swords are able to loan its own DX to the wielder to aid its cause. If the sword’s DX is above the user’s Adj DX, add + ½ Difference (round up) to the Adj DX of the wielder before adding sword’s other DX Bonus. GM Decides if this Ego Sword has attained this ability which is not a spell.

Note: This sword is joint ownership of PC and DM, as sword has its own personality. PC may call on its magic, but DM will determine if it works, if it talks, if it takes control.

Bastard Sword
Fine Weapon of +1Dam, +1Dx
Break Bonus: Roll 1, 2, or 3 on 1d6 = no break
Market Value: $100 for sword x 100 (cost multiplier) = $10,000
True Market Value = Incredible, but the EGO SWORD must agree or it won’t be sold willingly.
Great Purpose: Slaying Dragons
Name: WyrmKiller
Has several jewels encrusted in it.
ST = 10, DX = 8, IQ = 12
* Tactics per the Talent
* Detect Enemies
* Limited Mage Sight - Invisible
* Plus one spell
Speech – (Human)
Scabbard – Named - SlipCase. Has a spell or two and lots of ornamentation.

- Hail Melee

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Old 09-03-2018, 08:31 PM   #2
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Default Re: High End Swords Part 2

Swords of Renown continued

Sword of Sharpness
Type of Weapons: tends to be Broadsword, Bastard Sword, 2 Handed Sword, Great Swords.
These are Named Swords. These are not EGO SWORDS
Description: These are finely made by Master Armorer that are +2ST, +1DX. These blades are exceptionally sharp non-magically.

NOTE: Specially made Sheaths of some sort should be required of Swords of Sharpness as they could easily slice a passerby that a regular sword would just bump.
Bastard Sword
Fine Weapon of +2Dam, +1Dx
Break Bonus: Roll 1, 2, or 3 on 1d6 = no break
Market Value: $80 for sword x 200% (cost multiplier) = $16,000
Great Purpose: King’s Champion
Name: Reaver
Took 1 ½ years to make.
Scabbard (not named, but regal)


Vorpal Sword
Type of Weapons: Bastard Sword, 2 Handed Sword, Great Swords only.
These are not EGO SWORDS
Description: These Named Swords of Sharpness. With the added Vorpal power, these blades are +3ST, +2DX. See Below.

These Swords can only be made by Dwarven or Elven Wizard Master Armorers. These are Named Swords that have been twice forged (broken while tested on the anvil, then reforged.)

The heart of the Vorpal Blade is the “Vorpal” a walnut sized pure Blue Diamond or Fire Ruby. This Jewel is put into the Sword at the time of the sword’s creation, before the Master Armorer’s & Wizard’s Mark is placed on the blade.
To create this Vorpal, the pure crystal is put in the pummel and the Vorpal ceremonial magic (involving a very special Detect Life spell) is cast on the crystal.
This magic infuses the blade and if the jewel is ever separated from the sword, the Vorpal is extinguished.

The Vorpal gives an additional +1 ST and +1 DX enhancement to the sharpness of the blade due to its attunement to the Life Forces of opponents.

The Snicker-Snack:
On a Critical Hit of 3 or 4, the blade of a vorpal sword seems to guide itself, as if moved by an unseen hand. This force compels the blade to seek the neck of the target, sharpening the blade to unimaginable sharpness long enough to land the decisive strike. During a Vorpal decapitation, the sound often heard is Snick-Snack, the aural sound of the attunement’s power.

Snicker-Snack exceptions: Some creatures, such as Giant Clams, Plant Creatures, etc. have no “heads” and all Slimes have no heads. Others, such as small insects (too small for such big blades to attack) or non-living creatures like robots do not activate the Snicker-Snack. It even affects Undead creatures, as the Vorpal senses the once evident Life Force in them.
Most creatures die when their heads are cut off. Hydras have more than one head and will continue on. But some creatures might be just too large for the blade to reach the neck. If this is the case, the Snicker-Snack cannot activate.

In addition, the blade can perform the Vorpal Sweeping Blow. The attack is made at -2DX, but affects ALL THREE of the figure’s front hexes.
2 Handed Sword
Fine Weapon of +2Dam, +1DX
Break Bonus: Roll 1, 2, or 3 on 1d6 = no break
Market Value: $80 for sword x 200 (cost multiplier) = $16,000 + $5,000 Ruby
Magic Vorpal: Snicker-Snack, +1 Dam, +1 DX
True Market Value : $6000 + ($1040) $2080 + ($1040) $4160 is $12,240 = $33,240
Great Purpose: Phalanx Destroyer (to chew up armies on the front line.)
Name: WidowMaker
Has Vorpal Ruby in Pummel
Takes 80 weeks + 20 weeks = 2 years to make
Sheath (not named, but stout)

================================================== =================

Acute Rapiers (perhaps a better name can be given?)
Type of Weapons: Rapier
These are Named Swords. These are not EGO SWORDS
Description: These are finely made by Master Armorer that are +1ST, +1DX.

The blade is then magically enhanced by magical circle giving it the following
● Fencing Spell. As per TFT Fencing Talent. What it really is doing is, is a specialized Charm Spell $50000, 20 weeks + 20%.

The wielder must already have the Sword skill. When this sword is used it does DOUBLE damage on any "to hit" roll or 7, 6, or 5, and TRIPLE damage on a 4 or 3. The basic adjDX must be at least 14, or it is -1DX for every point below 14.

(If the wielder already has Fencing Talent, then Double Damage becomes 8, 7, 6 and Triple damage is 5, 4, 3. Rolls of 17 and 18 are drop weapon and 16 is a normal roll.)

● Aimed Shot spell. As per TFT Aimed Shot. What it really is doing is, is a specialized Charm Spell $50000, 20 weeks + 20%.

● In addition to the finely made and Fencing Spell, the sword, the blade can do Aimed Shots with the DX minuses being reduced by 2. Head = -4, weapon arm = -2, Shield arm = -4, leg = -2. What it really is doing is, is a specialized Charm Spell $50000, 20 weeks + 20%.

● In non-lethal confrontations, the wielder of the sword can use the Crippling Hits option for damage instead.
Fine Weapon of +1Dam, +1Dx
Break Bonus: Roll 1, 2, or 3 on 1d6 = no break
Market Value: $40 for sword x 100% (cost multiplier) = $4,000
Added Market Value: $54800 +($1500)$3000 is $57,800 Total = $61,800
Great Purpose: Finesse Tool (for Ambassador who couldn’t learn Fencing Talent, but wanted to not kill opponents.)
Name: Disabler
Takes 1 ½ years to make.
Scabbard – Named – Blade Protector. With several protection spells.
- Hail Melee

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Old 09-04-2018, 07:13 PM   #3
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Default Re: High End Swords Part 3

Swords of Renown continued

Bane Sword
Type of Weapons: Any Sword
These are not Named Swords. These are not EGO SWORDS
Description: These are finely made sword by Master Armorer that are +1 Dam.

The Banesword contains a Pure Diamond in the Pummel. A magician anoints the gem with blood (or other relevant essence) of the enemy species.

This acts like a regular Fine Sword until it encounters its Bane Creature, whose Life Force has sensitized the weapon. There is a power hum as it seemingly propels itself out of the scabbard.

• Fencing Spell. As per TFT Fencing Talent. What it really is doing is, is a specialized Charm Spell $50000, 20 weeks + 20%.

The wielder must already have the Sword skill. When this sword is used it does DOUBLE damage on any "to hit" roll or 7, 6, or 5, and TRIPLE damage on a 4 or 3. The basic adjDX must be at least 14, or it is -1DX for every point below 14.

(If the wielder already has Fencing Talent, then Double Damage becomes 8, 7, 6 and Triple damage is 5, 4, 3. Rolls of 17 and 18 are drop weapon and 16 is a normal roll.)

• Add +1 ST and +1 DX
The first part of the process in achieving Baneness is to attune the Diamond by anointing it with the blood of the Baned Creature which will funnel the future spells to just the Bane. This is a mesh Limiting Spell and Detect Life. Thereafter the spells of ‘increased damage’ (blade nudges the hand toward deadly spots and a hits a little bit harder) bring about the demise of the victim.

For some reason, 50% of the time, a Bane Sword against Trolls will Flame.

Put limiter on first – Elves $1000 next cost ½ due to Limiter
At the same time as Detect Life $4400 $2200 2x $4400
Then Fencing $60000 $30000 4x $120000
Then +1 St $1000 $500 8x $4000
Then +1 DX $1000 $500 16x $8000
Total = $137,400

Short Sword
Fine Weapon of +1Dam
Break Bonus: Roll 1, 2, or 3 on 1d6 = no break
Market Value: $60 for sword x 10 (cost multiplier) = $600 + $1000 diamond
True Market Value: $1000 +$4400 +$120000 +$4000 +8000 = $137,400 with sword $139,000
Great Purpose: To kill elves
Name: Glorfindel’s Bane
Took ½ year to make.
Scabbard (utilitarian)
- Hail Melee

Fantasy Chess: A chess game with combat.
Don't just take the square, Fight for it!
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