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Old 09-07-2016, 04:37 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Buffalo, New York
Default Error in battle suit control?

After all these years, I didn't expect to potentially find a bug in GURPS Vehicle Builder! I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I believe the problem is as follows:

Cost formula reads as

IFF(Radio(2) {Body}, (vRating * 20) <snipped stuff>

Here is the problem. The box has radio buttons for the body, head, arm, and leg controls. That means the battlesuit control ends up costing four times as much as it should! GURPS Vehicles lists the price as $3000 plus $20 per pound of the pilot with a variant pricing scheme dependent upon tech level.

In addition, the weight formula for leg drivetrain should take into account that the weight needs to be for two legs. When using the battlesuit radio button for arm, you end up using two such elements, one per arm.

So, the example battlesuit control is listed four times, and costs a total of

Head: $3,512
Body: $5,052
R arm: $3,204
L arm: $3,204
Legs: $3,502

Total cost: $18,474

A battlesuit configured for a 200 lb male should cost a total of $7,000! See page 80 of GURPS VEHICLES to confirm the rules.

The fix for this?

Body cost should be .5082 times entire cost
One arm should cost .0496 times entire cost
Legtrain should cost .3196 times entire cost
Head should cost .0730 times entire cost

Add head plus body plus 2 x arm plus leg modifiers and they add up to 1.

I'm going to try and create a repository element that is a duplicate of the the battlesuit element, except I will name it human battlesuit control and see if my fix works.
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Old 09-08-2016, 07:49 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Germany
Default Re: Error in battle suit control?

The battlesuit control issue was fixed in GVB 2.0 Update 2.

Fixed Battlesuit cost so startup cost is added only to the body section.
You will have to delete the battlesuit control components and reinstall them if you're working with a template, though, as they are not updated when loading it.
Feel free to add 'IMO' where appropriate.
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