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Old 05-27-2009, 07:35 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Norrköping, Sweden, Europe, Earth
Default Unaging should be a perk

I was trying to model a character based very loosely on Adam Monroe from Heroes, i.e., an indestructible man who didn't age. And I realized how utterly worthless unaging is. At its most useful, it's an intriguing Unusual Background ("How come you know so much about the Holy Lavacum Empire, Uncle?" "I lived back then, knew the emperor, I did. Which is also why I know the lost capital is just a few miles from here") or a cool roleplaying hook ("No, demon, I will be here as well, waiting for the next time you strike. And I will stop you then, as I did now".)

I thought about games that spanned for a long time, but by the time characters have grown old enough for it to matter, they should be incredibly powerful and would probably find other ways to live forever (considering that almost all unaging settings would feature either supernatural stuff or ultraadvanced science). As for generations games, an unaging character would be so incredibly unbalanced (part of the charm is being green every now and then) that I as a GM never would allow one.

However, I am gladly proven wrong and would like to see when unaging has worked out for all of you.
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