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Old 11-15-2011, 06:14 AM   #119
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Location: West Virginia
Default Re: 'Imperial Culture' (non-canonista)

The Historical Narrative(Part One)

Every culture has it's own historical narrative. Example, the Modern West attempts to go as far back as practical, Islamic societies often prefer to ignore everything pre-Islamic. In the West we fight over which cultures to include, in Islamic cultures the secularists and Nationalists fight to include pre-Islamic history and the Islamists struggle to erase the same.

The 3I would clearly need to deal with Earth's history, but they would also shape the narrative for their legitamacy. One assumes that the English and American Civil Wars and the American Revolution would be seriously downplayed. Washington, Franklin, Lincoln, Cromwell, would all be hot potatoes. Irish history would also be downplayed, for similar reasons, and Gandhi would be passed over in silence.

On the other hand the French and Russian Revolutions would recieve great deals of attention, as would the whole of French history from the Wars of Religion to the Fall of the 3rd Republic. France would get used as a lesson in what Nobles shouldn't do, the dangers of religious fanaticism, and the limits of republican governments.

The British Empire (a severely bowlerisied version) would be seen as a ideal. Churchill, and his more generous statements, would be forgrounded. F.D.R. would be a walk-on character, Eleanore wouldn't be mentioned.

More speculations later.
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