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Old 02-11-2019, 01:44 PM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default Re: Cloth under Armor and Capes

If you are really into versimilitude, armor should be a lot more protective than it is (though big chopping pole arms should also do more damage...). If you wanted to make a set of house rules to reflect this, you might permit people to layer armor (with the proviso that you can't layer plate on plate, and leather probably also has to be a 'top' layer given that leather armor is stiff). So long as players accept the implications of totaling the DX and possibly weight penalties, I don't think the end result would be very unbalanced. The best armor available might be fine plate over chainmail over cloth, for a total of 10 pts of protection and 8 pt DX penalty. Really, the game should have 10 pts of protection without resorting to magic - that just means you are mostly immune to normal hits with light hand weapons. The best medieval armors were certainly that good.
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