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Old 01-16-2018, 03:52 PM   #14
Chris Goodwin
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
Default Re: Fantasy Trip Illusions

Originally Posted by JLV View Post
I would think something that fundamental would be covered in "basic fighting conditions for magical worlds 101" if it is in fact the case! ;-)
I would say it depends on the character's background. For example, in the real world, in the modern United States military, during basic training all troops are given some training in how to deal with chemical weapons; when I went through Air Force basic training (mumble-mumble-ty nine years ago) we were taught that they existed, we were shown the MOPP gear, and were told that if we were going to be serving in an area where chemical weapons were known to be deployed, we would receive additional training on how to wear the gear, exposure to tear gas, and so on. The other services received more, and more extensive, training.

By analogy, a fantasy world character in a well trained and well equipped military unit in a rich country might be given similar training in magic and how to deal with magic from a soldier's standpoint, but would an average peasant levy, bandit, or gladiator, someone who picked up a sword by necessity and learned on the job, have the same knowledge?
Chris Goodwin

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