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Old 07-22-2012, 06:08 PM   #1
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Location: Negaunee, MI
Default GURPS: xxxxx Kits

So, I just finished playing a game of D&D Gamma World, which, with little experience with the D&D rules, was painful and non-sensical. I don't know for sure if it was the mechanics or just the poorly organised rulebook, but no one at the table had any fun. But I digress. What immediately came to mind when I opened the box was that it'd be awesome if SJGames sold boxes that came with cardboard pieces and map, GURPS Lite, and a short campaign. Best possible idea: a box set for each major GURPS setting; Yrth, Transhuman Space, Infinite Worlds, etc. Personally, I think that this idea makes more sense for GURPS, as the rules for GURPS are far more easily simplified for a small starter package, and attuned far better for a full storyline. Basically, I'm imagining a box, GURPS Lite, some cardboard pieces, a few hexmaps, and an adventure book (basic campaign, brief description of the setting, character templates, advert for the full setting book), with a single extra copy of any handouts (so the GM doesn't have to copy them from the book, allowing immediate gameplay), plus five or six character sheets. They could be marketed as GURPS: xxxxx Starter Kits, so new players and GMs can dip their toes in without having to dig up components/adventure/etc. separately. An added bonus is that, by including hexmaps, players are encouraged to get the full basic set books to use the tactical combat rules.

The two biggest problems I've faced in getting my roomies to play a GURPS campaign have been character creation and lack of components. While character creation can be dealt with by providing templates or pre-built characters, components are an issue of finding things that match the campaign. First, I've had a bit of difficulty in finding suppliers of hexmaps in the scale of GURPS, better yet ones that aren't dungeon fantasy settings. Second, with the diversity available in GURPS, it becomes even harder to find components that fit any possible setting. I'm sure many GURPS players who have all of the related books would buy the kits just for the components. I certainly would, especially for Infinite Worlds or Transhuman Space.
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