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Old 08-24-2019, 02:16 PM   #8
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Default Re: [TG] A takes down B, who has grappled C - loses grip?

Originally Posted by Plane View Post
Whether or not the grip is lost might also be influenced by relative postures. If I'm standing and have grappled some guy trying to kick me in the head by the ankle and am preventing him from putting his foot back on the ground, then if I'm knocked down it's possible there's a 3rd option: maintaining my grip but not actually taking them down: but in the process they're put into a more comfortable foot-on-ground situation instead of foot-in-air position.
In this case, I either wouldn't charge the -6 (the PC isn't trying to force a reactive takedown, just a reactive "maintain grapple") or, if they were trying to force a takedown, I'd charge the -6 and if they failed by the -6 charge some amount of their CP to maintain the grapple. If they outright fail by more than -6, they completely lose the grapple.

If I'm understanding TG well enough... I've never gotten to use it in game.
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