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Old 10-16-2020, 05:18 PM   #23
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Boston area
Default Re: Two quick questions about dragonets

Originally Posted by Skarg View Post
No, because the dragonets, when they move first, can choose not to be engaged by ground figures since they're flying, and can move so as to deny side/rear attacks, or even attacks altogether by moving out of range, or if there is room overhead, up.
Right, but this means that the battle has no attacks (barring unlikely missile or thrown attacks) for roughly half of the turns on average, 2/3 of the turns if the players have a tactician. Whenever the dragonets move first, they flutter away. When they move second, they attack. That's pretty dull.

I like Axly's suggestion that they engage from above, too.
The central bit of Axly's suggestion is not that they engage from above. We all agree on that. Axly says that this engagement precludes shifting out of the hex.

Here are the three options as I see them (consequences only, not details):

(1) Under RAW plus the inferred rule that one must be able to attack to engage, a character may always shift away from a dragonet. Thus, if the character moves second, he may avoid attack whenever there is an empty adjacent hex.

(2) Under Axly's suggestion, if I understand correctly, a character may never shift out from under an engaging dragonet. Thus, whether or not the dragonet moved first, the player is subject to attack.

(3) Under my suggestion, a character may shift to an empty hex so long as there are not two dragonets in otherwise empty hexes adjacent to him. Thus, unless the dragonets are teaming up to keep the character in place, he can avoid being hit (without waiting to disengage).

My suggestion is that an adjacent dragonet in an empty hex may choose to engage. He cannot attack, of course, but he can restrict movement. Two of them doing so would put three in engagement with him, which means he can't shift to an empty hex (no matter which hexes the dragonets occupy around him).
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