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Old 11-30-2007, 09:53 AM   #109
Join Date: Nov 2007
Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Original Rules Traveler game...5 PC's in Battle Dress, one (mine) a former IBIS agent with no armor. We're inside a pirate stronghold, and realize that the next room has several guards in battle dress with plasma guns--on the other side of a fairly narrow door.

My character turns to the others, and she says, "Plasma...very dangerous...I'll go first."

She then pops the door open, and gets in among them before they can react. 5 dead pirates later (and with no tell-tale plasma discharges) the party realizes what "former IBIS agent" really implies. (This variant enlists at 18 for a 20 year term, minimum....and musters out physically still 18. Survival rolls make life as a marine commando look dull.)

Since then, whenever I say, "Very Dangerous...I'll go first..." they usually let me...

(Some of us had just watched "Raiders of the Lost Ark)
You can acomplish a lot with a kind word, but you can acomplish a lot more with a kind word and a vicious left hook.
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