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Old 09-22-2016, 11:48 AM   #3
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Join Date: May 2011
Default Re: Dungeon Fantasy Magic Item Backstory Contest

Uros's Jump Arrows
A quiver of arrows created for Uros, a legendary Mountain Elf Scout, helped him fight an many-eyed monster deep beneath Black Mountain called the Karrosul. The Karrosul had a strip of eyes that circled most of its head, and a band of armored tentacles that could whip up to parry incoming arrows as quickly as Uros could release them.

Uros discovered a narrow blind spot from which he could land his arrows, but the Karrosul turned around in combat so often that he had trouble remaining in that blind spot. His first encounter with the beast resulted in the death of his adventuring companion, Timophey, and Uros swore to destroy the Karrosel and avenge his fallen friend. After a quest to a temple in the sky, he returned with a quiver of arrows that held the key to repositioning himself quickly where the Karrosul couldn't see him.

Uros's Jump Arrows teleport the archer to the spot where they strike after one second. Controlling one's facing after hitting a spot with one of the arrows requires a successful Body Sense roll. A failed roll results in facing a random direction. Uros had to learn to keep his orientation and quickly fire a mundane arrow before using another Jump Arrow from his magic quiver to zip to the monster's blind spot. Uros used most of the arrows before blinding enough of Karrosul's eyes to defeat him, but somewhere, deep in the Mountain Elves realm, the remaining arrows await a hero who needs to be somewhere else fast. Are more to be found in the temple in the sky? What strange aerial creatures guard those arrows? Sages can only offer Uros's legend as a clue to where one can find the arrows that helped defeat the monster that could see in (almost) every direction.
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