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Old 05-18-2018, 07:24 AM   #3304
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Default Re: New Reality Seeds

This takes a trope and reworks it just a little. During the Blitz, a German bomber having engine trouble and lost, dumps its bombload on the first light it sees. The light, which came from a ruined castle, was an improperly extinguished campfire coming back to full blaze. The bombs landed on no building the locals knew of. But just because no one knew about the building, didn't mean it wasn't there. Morgan Le Fay was now awake and free.

Morgan, who in her long dreaming dealt with her bitterness and jealousy, saw how alien the world was. She also understood the strange powers threatening the world from Germany and Russia. She didn't wait, Morgan awoke her brother and Merlin. They also found the reincarnations of the knights and ladies of the Round Table.

WWII wasn't easy for anyone. Still, Morgan healed FDR restoring him to youthful vitality and aided the FBI in tracking down kobolds send by the Nazis to disrupt American industry. Morgan also convinced the the Morrigan, that, goddess or not, she Morgan could kill her if she didn't release both Brigid and Manann from her spells, return the real Eamon de Valera immediately, and keep her nose out of the war. Merlin's charms kept Nazi planes from being able to fly over England and arranged magnificent weather for allied agriculture. Arthur, with Kay and Gawain at his side, slew the Nazi Frost Giants. Lunete rescued Raoul Wellanburg, Claus Von Stauffenberg, and on Morgan's advice, strongly seconded by Merlin, a young girl Dutch named Anne Frank and her family. Something about "We'll need her later." Although the Draugr hoard sent to slaughter the royal family, killed all of them except Princess Elizabeth, Percival rescued the Princess, Churchill, and Aneurin Bevan from the undead assassins, and destroyed the lot. The young Queen Elizabeth later convinced Arthur that she was Condwiramurs reincarnated. And that she intended to wed her former husband again. Arthur and Churchill knew not to challenge her.

By January of 1945 the Americans were in Berlin. However, that just started new problems. Morgan announced that Stalin had a partner, Baba Yaga and they wanted to rule the world. Morgan promotes George Smiley and the young John Steed to her staff. She then rejuvenates Richard Hannay and hires him too.

It's round two of the New Arthurian myths, the Cold War is starting. Red scares in America threaten the rebuilding of the world. Decolonisation is vital to the future of the world and the deeply wounded European powers want to fight it, thus giving Bab Yaga's many allies openings to corrupt and poison the world.

You are a knight, damsel, or wizard, can you earn your spurs and prevent the darkness from devouring the world?
Per Ardua Per Astra!

Ancora Imparo

Last edited by Astromancer; 05-19-2018 at 09:06 PM.
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