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Old 10-16-2016, 01:02 PM   #39
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Default Re: Converting Twilight 2000 for use with GURPS 4e

Originally Posted by Z09SS View Post
I tried to avoid including stuff that's in High Tech. Yes, it does make for some apparent glaring omissions.
I thought that might be it, but then you list the AKs and M16s, and a whole lot of other stuff that's in High-Tech. So I wasn't sure. If the criterium is how vital a weapon is to the setting then the RPG-7 is probably ubiquitous enough that you should throw it in there, too, though. $0.02.

Originally Posted by Z09SS View Post
The Giraffe is an iconic item from the original game to me. I know it was considered because I've actually touched the Abrams TTB!
I always thought that the Giraffe was silly as hell, even when T2K 1e came out. Not the concept of an unmanned turret- just the ridiculous height of the one on the Giraffe. And I severely doubted that one would be fielded by the time setting. But it's your product, and it's awesome! The M1 debate is pretty pointless anyway. I have never ever heard of a T2K party that got to start with one...

I truly dislike the weird stuff like the LAV-75, and the laser ADA, though. I wasn't so much interested in the science fiction aspect- just the military post-apoc, which was so revolutionary at the time. (GDW always had awesome concepts- just poorly executed mechanics.)

The Soviets never threw anything away, though. Their older tanks would be fielded. And heck even today upgraded T-55s make up most of some national armies.

How do you do starting wealth and equipment purchase? Did I miss it in my skimming? I assume that 100% of wealth can be used to purchase "adventuring equipment?" And I see something about a "patron roll" to get vehicles? You might want to include some civilian body armor for North American campaigns- I assume that police armor would have been desirable.

Damn. Now I have to stat myself as a T2K character... When did they mobilize the reserves? 1996? I wouldn't get to graduate from college- that was 1997... What happened to 99th ARCOM? :) Well, actually I was a Russia-targeted SIGINT guy, so I might well get dragged back to active duty elsewhere, I guess. I would have been rather busy after 1991 until I got out in 1993. Just back from the Gulf, and the coup against Yeltsin succeeds... dammit. I note that your Intelligence Analyst template lacks the skill Electronics Operation (Electronic Warfare). I would need that. Should you throw it in as an optional skill? This template and some others also need Security Clearance advantage. Though, in T2K that might actually mean nothing, or just be a quirk.

EDIT- I'm reading more comprehensively now, and I found some typos.

In the timeline, in 1990, it's RSFSR, not RSFSS. Unless something got butterflied.

There's a missing period on the third line from the bottom on page 2, in the 1992 timeline: "...strikes demanding political autonomy and an eventual union with Romania Riots are suppressed by Soviet MVD troops..."

There's one in 1996, too: "The Romanians conduct mass arrests of Magyars throughout Romania Police sweeps are met with armed resistance ..." A little later on the spelling changes to "Rumania", once.

Then another period: "The Ukraine also recognizes the incorporation of Moldavia into Romania NATO responds shortly thereafter..."

Phill Gramm should be spelled Phil Gramm (one L in Phil).

In 1997: "...promising to intervene of Greece's side if NATO tries to tip the balance in Turkey's favor." and "At the same time, the limited use of tactical nuclear weapons, in the increasing numbers of Soviet reserves, and the withdrawal of the Yugoslavians cause the Romanian front to collapse."

In 1999, I presume this 'with' should be a 'the': "In other areas, with security the military unit provides to its civilians was from the unit itself, a post-nuclear version of the ancient "protection" racket." You also mix present and past tense a bit.

Last edited by acrosome; 10-16-2016 at 02:59 PM.
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