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Old 06-28-2015, 03:34 PM   #9
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Default Re: [Star Wars/Powers] Giving Force Powers the GURPS Psionic Powers Treatment

Because I missed this before... how I missed it, I don't know.


"These aren't the droids you're looking for." - Ben Kenobi, Star Wars.

"I'm a Toydarian! Mind tricks don't work on me, only money." - Watto, The Phantom Menace.

Power Modifier: Telepathic (-10%).

Power Talent: Telepathy Talent. 5 points per level.

Cloak From Minds
36 points
Mental Cloak (IQ/H).
You have the ability to cloud the minds of others so as to be ignored by those around you. This does not prevent you from being recorded by optics, nor does it affect droids.
Statistics: Invisibility (Can Carry Objects: No Encumbrance, +10%; Glamour, vs Will-4, -5%; Requires Concentrate, -15%; Switchable, +10%; Telepathic, -10%) [36]

Selective Concealment (Tech/H)
Mental Cloak-2.
Using this technique, you essentially add the Selective Area enhancement onto your Cloak From Minds ability, which lets you specify who can see you while cloaking your presence from everyone else.

Force Concealment
38 points
Conceal Aura (IQ/H).
This ability allows one to "hide" in the Force by hiding their Force signature completely. This prevents Force Sensitives from detecting the character with their Force hypersenses, but the person using this ability can still be discovered using more mundane senses.
Statistics: Obscure (Force) 10 (Stealthy, +100%; Telepathic, -10%) [38]

False Aura (Tech/H)
Conceal Aura-4.
Instead of masking your ability with the Force, this technique subtly changes your Force signature and aura to the opposing alignment; in essense, it masks any Dark Side Taint or gives anyone reading your aura the impression that you have a Dark Side Taint when you do not.

Selective Concealment (Tech/H)
Conceal Aura-2.
Using this technique, you essentially add the Selective Area enhancement onto your Force Concealment ability, which lets you specify who can see your Force signature while suppressing it for everyone else.

Mind Trick
28 points
Mind Trick (IQ/H).
This is the ability to convince someone of anything the Force user wants them to believe. Most who use this ability tend to stick with plausible uses, although someone with a high enough skill could conceivably convince a weak-willed thug to essentially commit suicide.
Known users: Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi in Star Wars and Attack of the Clones, Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi, many more.
Statistics: Mind Control (Mind Tricks, -30%; Nuisance Effect: Must Wave Hand, -5%; Rationalization, +20%; Sense-Based (Hearing), -20%; Telepathic, -10%) [28]

Thought Projection
6 Points
Telepathy (IQ/H)
This ability permits you to send a short telepathic message to anyone you know; distance is not a concern.
Known users: Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back.
Statistics: Telecommunications (Telesend) (Maximum Duration (Less Than 30 Seconds), -75%; Telepathic, -10%) [6]

Broadcast (Tech/H)
Telepathy-4, cannot exceed Telepathy.
This technique permits you to broadcast your thoughts to everyone in your immediate area.

Thought Scan
21 Points
Telepathy (IQ/H)
This ability permits you to read the surface thoughts of those around you. Most Jedi and other benevolent Force users only use this to obtain the name of the person they're talking to and to figure out if anyone's hiding anything; those of a darker bent use it for more sinister purposes.
Statistics: Mind Reading (Short-Ranged 2, -20%; Telepathic, -10%) [21]
"Life ... is an Oreo cookie." - J'onn J'onzz, 1991

"But mom, I don't wanna go back in the dungeon!"

The GURPS Marvel Universe Reboot Project A-G, H-R, and S-Z, and its not-a-wiki-really web adaptation.
Ranoc, a Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy Setting
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