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Old 09-29-2019, 05:26 PM   #1512
Mark Skarr
Forum Pervert
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

Seven (OOC): “Did Ashleigh remove the message or did you?”
GM (OOC): “I removed the message. As I was working on the table, setting [Ashleigh] up, it was annoying having ‘boobs’ [80085 on the calculator] staring me in the face.”


GM (OOC): “There were too many orphan jokes.”
Queenie (OOC): “We needed more orphan jokes. Morphan jokes.”
GM (OOC): “Ugh.”


GM: “Ezekiel cannot examine the ledgers yet, as they still have magebane on them.”
Seven: “I can hold them for him.”
GM: “Seven couldn’t be still for that long.”


Seven: “I step out and raise my arms, away from all of my weapons?”
GM: “Do you turn off the hide spell from your armor?”
Seven: “Yes.”
Magnus (OOC): “There he is, officer! The orphan-taker!.”


K’Tia: “Are you gluttons for punishment?”
Queenie: “I’m a priestess of Campbello.”
Magnus (OOC): “So, punishment for gluttons.”


GM: “Breakfast for a dwarf would be: beer brats, beer-battered fries and beer.”
Queenie: “Yeah, a traditional dwarven breakfast would be at least eighty-proof.”


Seven: “Why couldn’t it be ‘Beer’gath?’”


Queenie: “Magnus. Do you have a sentient water-bottle spell?”


GM: “Female dwarves have beards.”


GM: “It’s only a few minutes of you guys being together with people crying out ‘Ah! It’s the Dirty Sextet!’”
Queenie (OOC): “The Dirty Sextet is another book Queenie would definitely have.”


GM: “Well, roll your stealth anyway. You could always critically fail.”
[Seven rolls a seventeen, which, is just a failure with his stealth of 18]
Seven (OOC): “That is your fault!


Seven: “If I die, don’t leave me down there.”
Magnus: “Right. Viking funeral.”
Seven: “Just take some of my ashes and spread them at sea.”
GM (OOC): “Take my ashes and rub them on people I didn’t like in life.”
(Seven begins laughing, uncontrollably.)
Queenie (OOC): “You’ve got another thing coming if you think death will get out of this group.”


GM: “Okay . . . there’s another skill Seven will need . . ..”
Party: “Yeah.”
GM: “Forward Observer. I mean, it’s appropriate, you do have an artillery mage.”


GM: “You have the opportunity to do something amazing. DO IT!”


Magnus: “This is going to cost me thirty-nine fatigue.”
GM: “When Magnus does something amazing, it’s usually really expensive.”
(Magnus went on to cast three spells, in succession, that were critical successes—two shape earths and one 5d, 3-hex Towering Inferno—so it cost him zero fatigue.)


Seven (OOC): “It’s a shame blood isn’t flammable.”
GM (OOC): “At these temperatures—everything is flammable.”


Queenie: “Team Lady-Tank, AWAY!”


GM: “I knew someone was going to make their save [vs one-half their HT]. That’s just the way these rolls work. But, I’m so glad it was Ezekiel. Because it would mess with him most of all.”


Seven: “Okay, anything else we need to spend money on, before the game ends?”
GM: “One-hundred dollars to get everyone’s pants cleaned.”
Seven: “Yep. Fair enough.”
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