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Old 07-09-2016, 10:30 PM   #23
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Location: Atlanta GA
Default Re: In Nomine....does it have a "Pro-Heaven" bias?

Originally Posted by Moonsight View Post
Hence it's a everytime thing no matter what which I find problematic eitherway.

Yeah what if the Demon character I'm playing as doesn't want to be number one actually? But rather they rather 'help' humanity by turning them into Vampires and other supernatural creatures as a way to cheat death or sort of. Or some of them want solidarity with humans to overthrow God or something.

Well obviously I don't want to be a Angel or side with Heaven so my choices are very limited at this point.
I wouldn't say it's an every demon every time thing. From the prospective of someone that is working with a demon they would of course have the chance of getting stabbed in the back, but why would the demon stab them in the back and betray them if not doing that was more beneficial? Maybe the payout they're getting for this thing is good, maybe the person they are helping will owe them afterwards and they are counting on that. At one point my Angelic PCs got a demonic intervention. Lucifer actually helped them succeed. Do you have any idea how much that screws with PCs. To smell the brimstone- to know they've gotten the other sides attention, and then to be helped by it. It was a good 5 or 6 sessions they spent questioning and rethinking what they had been doing.

As for wanting to help well that still requires to a degree wanting to be on top- at least above the people that have differing views of how to help.
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