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Old 11-30-2015, 11:44 PM   #3
David Johnston2
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: Quick Question: Reputation modifiers on something like Secret?

Originally Posted by Raekai View Post
Hey, all.

I'm back with another quick question. Could you put Reputation's modifiers on another disadvantage like Secret?!
Another advantage yes. Secret in In a situation like that the location modifier would not be on the Secret itself, but on the disadvantage you get if the Secret is exposed. Reputation/Enemy. Even if being an alien on your homeworld is no big deal your homeworld is full of people who could potentially drop a dime on you with the authorities on the other world. And if adventuring happens on your homeworld then that means you will be making enemies on your homeworld. Secret applies just as much when you are at home as when you are away. Contrariwise if no adventuring happens on your homeworld, then it isn't really part of the campaign setting and had no point value.
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