Thread: TFT Adventures!
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Old 09-11-2019, 07:17 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2017
Default TFT Adventures!

My TFT Adventures box just rolled in, and it is all looking superb. I held off playing these as the pdfs came out because I'm a hard-copy kind of guy and I knew I'd enjoy it all much more using the proper markers, MH tiles, etc. The adventures are a wonderful mix of curious, goofy and deadly tricks and traps and foes. Very well done.

One thing I appreciate about TFT is that the overall range of character firepower is relatively narrow (as compared to other popular games). I usually think of this as a bonus because it keeps all sorts of encounters interesting (i.e., risky) throughout a long campaign. Another benefit that comes out in this set of adventures is that a well designed adventure can offer interesting challenges to pretty much anyone, so they don't have to be split up into 'niche' categories (this one just for high level PC's, that just for low, etc.)

On a cautionary note, the new fighter cards that came with the book include 3 (!) with obvious stat errors:

Arnaud's armor should stop 5, not 4 hits and should reduce his DX to 11, not 13.

Octavia lacks the ST score to fight without penalty with a 2 handed sword.

Theodore should suffer from a -1 DX penalty from his cloth armor

Last edited by larsdangly; 09-11-2019 at 08:31 PM. Reason: For a softer touch...
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