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Old 09-29-2017, 11:11 AM   #522
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: West Virginia
Default Re: Catalog of the Weird Parallels

Try this world.

A few weeks ago (June 7th 2014) Five additional Earths appeared in this Quantum 6 world's Solar system. Communication has been established with a few of these worlds. A group of beings calling themselves superheroes claimed to have caused this effect, but they can't do anything about it now.

Each Earth is in the same orbital path. Each Earth is in the Lagrangian points of the planet following and preceding it in the orbital path.

Besides the world above (Alpha) there are

Beta (June 1969) Warnings about how Nixon plans to scuttle the October surprise have been given to Johnson. Although less advanced than Alpha, Beta has the most advanced space program.

Gamma (June 1942) Ways to get aid to the allies are being researched. The Nazis fear this, but so do the Soviets.

Delta (June 1862) The Superheroes have contacted Lincoln and Juarez but though no other leaders worthy of contact. At least two of the supers want to organize aid for both presidents.

Epsilon (June 1587) John Dee has contacted the people on Alpha. His he a dupe of the Cabal, a leader of the Cabal, or and independent mage?

and Zeta (date uncertain) Arthur Pendragon seems to be king of England and is at war with Emperor Justinian of Rome. The facts are still murky.
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