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Old 12-27-2012, 07:34 AM   #11
Join Date: Dec 2012
Default Re: Discard/Gift Non-Items

Ooohhhkay- so there's potentially going to be a lot of cards circulating between players during the game - this makes a LOT more sense.

So, I was in a situation last night where I couldn't get off level one - I drew nothing but curses from the deck and i didn't really have anything helpful in my hand. What should've happened was other players should have fed me discards, which would have let me circulate those through my hand allowing me to discard non-helpful cards into the deck next time my charity phase rolled around?

I posted a question somewhere else yesterday about Cthulhu where I was a cultist, and stuck with two other class cards in my hand - I thought I couldn't get rid of those, but (again) the charity phase is the chance to cycle those cards out of your hand, yes?
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