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Old 07-07-2007, 10:10 AM   #6
chris the cynic
Join Date: May 2005
Default Re: Things to do in Heaven when you're dead

I can actually picture some atheists getting to IN Heaven and saying, "I was right."

I mean think of it. You spend your whole life saying there is no god. While people left and right tell you God is up in Heaven watching you say he isn't. Then one day you die and go to Heaven, bit of a shock, and have look around. Guess what? Not a God to be found.

What more convincing proof of the non-existence of God can there be than searching Heaven and finding that he isn't in attendance? Of course the final clinching proof won't come until you climb the ladder and show he isn't there either.

Angel: So now you see, you really were wrong.
Atheist: I was wrong about life after death, and Angels and Demons, I'll give you that. But not God.
Angel: What?!
Atheist: *Smiles* I'll give you a chance to prove me wrong. Show me God.
Angel: God isn't here, God is in the higher Heavens. *Points up* (or, conversely, "God is everywhere,")
Atheist: That's what the Greeks said about Zeus, is he God? (Or That's what the Hindu's said about Brahman, is Brahman God?)
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