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Old 08-26-2018, 01:19 AM   #60
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Location: Alsea, OR
Default Re: The Woodsman Talent

Originally Posted by larsdangly View Post
Maybe hiding and sneaking around in the wilderness could just use the move silent and spy talents? Perhaps we think of them as 'thief' abilities, but there is no reason to have two talents that do effectively the same thing, just inside vs. outside.

More generally, I think 'consistency' is a dangerous goal with a game like this because it will force you into a kind of taxonomic construction of hundreds of talents.
This can be handled well by a career set...

Gamekeeper: Woodsman, move silent, spy, a ranged weapon, tracking.
Master Ranger: Woodsman, Alertness, Running, Climbing a ranged weapon, a melee weapon, naturalist, tracking
Ranger: woodsman, ranged weapon, melee weapon, naturalist, tracking.
Apprentice ranger: woodsman, tracking, a weapon.

Taking the Roman Church as a model
Mundane Talent: Roman Ritual (1 point)
Clerical talents: Bard, Charisma, Detect lies, Language-Latin, Literacy, Priest, MT-Scribe, Scholar, Theologian.
Acolyte: MT-RR
Subdeacon: MT-RR and one clerical talent, at least a year as an acolyte
Deacon: MT-RR and two clerical talents; at least a year as a subdeacon
Priest: Priest, MT-RR, and two other clerical talents, at least a year as a deacon.
Pastor: Priest, MT-RR, Business Sense, Literacy, one other clerical talent
Bishop: Priest, Theologian, MT-RR, Literacy, and 2 other talents. Mut be at least 30 years old, must have been a priest &/or pastor for at least 10 years.
Archbishop: same as bishop. Only allowed when the extant local archbishop dies.
Cardinal: bishop or archbishop for at least 5 years, or priest or pastor in the metropolitan area of the city of Rome.
Pope: cardinal, make sufficient followers at conclave following death of last pope,

If one wants clergy with magic - the religion should be able to specify a few spells which, once one has the priest talent, can be picked up by heroes at 1 slot each instead of the 3 normally used.

For example, Romans would get Aid at deacon (if the deacon takes the priest talent) as a clerical talent - as the Roman Ritual allows the giving of blessings by deacons from prepared books of blessings. Presbyters and pastors are allowed to wing it... but usually stick to the formulaic ones in the Book of Blessings, anyway.

Career paths like this can be used easily to flesh out a setting.
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