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Old 10-30-2013, 07:18 PM   #9
Join Date: Oct 2011
Default Re: Questions about Worm Parahumans' Powers in GURPS

Originally Posted by Gold & Appel Inc View Post
You could limit her DR to "only the first X amount of damage per round" and just say that she's vulnerable for the rest of the second after taking that much abuse, rather than do the big, expensive Ablative DR / Regenerate DR kludge.
Again, that's not what the original power was. Tattletale shot Glory Girl, her force field was out for a while. Moreover, it isn't "X damage over Y time," it's more like "One shot dealing X damage".

If we're really going to discuss this, you should probably just put a note along the lines of MASSIVE SPOILERS AHOY! in the OP and consider the entire thread a massive spoiler. People who want to read the story without spoilers should know better than to read a discussion of how to build its superpowers first.
99% of the powers can be discussed without major spoilers. The other 1%, I'd prefer to be spoilered.

Regarding Coil: Coil is better than a World-Jumper. He doesn't visit an alternate timeline that is always there in parallel to his own, he creates alternate timelines at will (one at a time), and can choose which of the two to collapse and which to "keep." In terms of game effect, he's at the very least Unkillable x3 (with Achilles' Heel: Killed in both timelines simultaneously) and has a boatload of other "do-over" type advantages from being able to eg: torture someone for information and then make it so it never happened from their perspective while still possessing that information. Not sure how to best model that, but it's going to cost a lot.
Coil's power is at the point where it's probably easier to ask how it could play out at the table than how a player might get it.

Originally Posted by Nereidalbel View Post
Bane means your regeneration doesn't work from a specific damage type or in a specific condition. In this case, the ablative forcefield can regenerate nearly instantly, as long as it still has 1 DR left. If you don't want her to die immediately after, give her some Tough Skin DR in addition to the forcefield.

You temporarily gain the powers you shut down. Note that this does NOT give you everything you need to know about how to use them, beyond knowing that this one explodes, this one hits at a mile, and that one just sucks.
I had guessed, I just didn't realize it existed.
A common theme here.

Originally Posted by Anaraxes View Post
Psi Powers builds "TK Bullet" simply as an Innate Attack. That presumes you're "firing" small objects with your TK as the special effects. You could still make an argument for cars, I suppose (bigger but slower, same total energy). But at some point you probably want to just make it an Alternate Ability with TK, so you can throw anything.

You also might want to give him the Throwing skill if he's going to throw random things a lot.
As to the first: That doesn't sound anything like Ballistic's power.
As to the second: Can you throw cars at supersonic speeds?
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