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Old 12-21-2009, 06:42 PM   #4
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: Attempt 1 for reworking Regeneration (noflame)

Originally Posted by Biker Matt View Post
Let's look at fatigue. REMEMBER: Fatigue only recovers quickly under NORMAL usage! It does NOT recover any faster when spending it to fuel Magic or Advantages! (B.55)
Those are the rules for normal recovery of FP but if you are extending it to Regeneration of FP you have eliminated what is probably the majority of the people who would want the Advantage.

I am a little dubious of the proportional value of FP Regeneration. Even for normals just 5 pts on Fit cuts recovery time in half and gets you +1 on HT rolls too. another 10 pts and you're Very Fit and you expend normal FP half as often (which is almost certainly better than recovering at 2x speed) plus getting another +1 on HT rolls.

So 12 pts for 2x FP looks a little pricey, especially if it doesn't work like HP Regeneration which happens regardless of rest or medical care.

It also compares poorly to the Spell of Recover Energy which many mages will be able to learn to level 15 for 1 pt and which doubles their FP recovery (though only while resting). Even taking it to level 20 would only be 21 pts and that increases FP recovery while resting to 1 per 2 minutes as compared to 1 per 2.5 minutes for 24 pts of your proposal.

Now, the canon option (as of Powers) of 50 pts for 1/minute is no great bargain either. However (for mages at least) 100 for 1/second and 150 for 10/second is worth it if you can find the pts. It really does change very basic aspects of the default Gurps Magic system.

Some of these changes can be viewed as positive though. It's very much more dungeoncrawly to have mages throw big Explosive Fireballs more than once per widely separated encounter.

It should probably also be noted Powers does not actually set the precedent that FP Regeneration costs 2x HP Regeneration. If you buy FP Regeneration as a 100% Enhancement on HP Regeneration you regenerate _both_ at the same rate. If you buy just HP _or_ just FP it costs 10/25/50/100/150.

The issue of complexity noted elsewhere also appears significant to me.

So, I would not use your proposed rules in their current form.
Fred Brackin
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