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Old 09-10-2019, 02:28 PM   #3
Andrew Hackard
Munchkin Line Editor
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Default Re: Can anyone help out?

Buckle up, kiddos. This will be a ride.

What you've got there is a yen symbol ¥. It has no meaning in GURPS unless you happen to be talking about yen, and even then, GURPS would prefer that you use its standard currency symbol, $.

However. If you select the font including the ¥ symbol and change it to the Symbol font, the ¥ magically becomes the multiplication cross. So that's what we did or were supposed to do when we were working on GURPS books -- find all the ¥ and change them to Symbol font. It's a line item on the checklist, even.

We edited our standard font for 4E so that typing ¥ got you the cross directly, because we never use the ¥ glyph and we use the multi-cross a LOT. But that didn't translate back to 3E books, which use a different text font, and it sounds like those conversions got missed. Oops.

Edited to add: adm is not correct on the footnote explanation. We never used ¥ to mark footnotes, precisely because they could get converted to crosses. We used asterisks (single and double), the † dagger, the ‡ diesis or "double dagger", and occasionally other characters like the ¶ pilcrow.
Andrew Hackard, Munchkin Line Editor
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