Thread: New Skills
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Old 07-10-2018, 04:21 AM   #106
Join Date: May 2018
Default Re: New Skills

Originally Posted by guymc View Post
Wow, this flowed along fast! Hard to keep up.

A few of my takes:

** Half-points - yuck.

** I really like the idea of having talent “slots” equal to your (ST+DX+IQ)/2. Starting talents are limited by starting IQ, with multi-point talents costing more. The nomenclature is getting confusing, though. How about this:
You have Talent/Spell SLOTS equal to your basic ST + DX + IQ / 2.
No matter how it is purchased, a Talent or Spell takes up 1 Talent/Spell SLOT.

At character creation you have a STARTING POOL of Talent/Spell POINTS equal to your IQ stat. You may spend these POINTS as you choose, spending:
For Wizards 1 POINT per Spell or 2x the Talent COST in POINTS per Talent
For Heroes 3 POINTS per Spell or 1x the Talent COST in POINTS per Talent

Once your STARTING POOL of Talent/Spell POINTS is all spent, you may not have any more Talents/Spells with which to start.

After character creation you may buy additional Talent/Spell POINTS at a flat 100 XP per POINT. They are spent the same as the POINTS from your initial POOL.
I like that combination of slots for X talents, IQ starting points to buy talents, and buying more talent points with XP later.

One session per talent point seems to fast to me, considering how long it takes to buy attributes. I was thinking 3 sessions or so because players can feel like their characters are still progressing. Steve's rate of 5 sessions per talent point seemed too slow to me but maybe it isn't.

**Professional Knowledge could be purchased in packets like Talents, taking the same slots as Talents do. They have minimum IQ levels, and may be stackable requiring higher levels of knowledge to be bought atop lower ones. Some Professions may have only one level, others may have more depending on the depth of knowledge required. However many levels you buy, it all goes in a single Slot. For the most complex professional subjects, you might have a level for a lay enthusiast or student, another for a practicing professional or teacher, a third for a recognized expert or theoretician, and even a fourth for that renowned person who is at the top of their field and on the cutting edge. This, however, is approaching the “too darn much trouble” level. We might not need it at all.
Unless mundane talents (professional knowledge) have a mechanical effect, they are just flavor and they should be removed as talents and just noted on the character background.

If there end up being contest rules where they could have some kind of effect, then they would actually participate in the game mechanics and they should be kept. I'm all for that, of course!
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