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Old 03-19-2018, 09:41 AM   #1
Beriogelir's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: Maryland
Default [DF] Integrating bits of G4e into the DFRPG

My gaming group have been playing GURPS since G4e came out, but we only relatively recently started playing a DF game. We all got excited when the Kickstarter was announced, and pooled our resources to get the whole package, but once we got all the old PDFs, we couldn't wait any longer and jumped right in. We converted our characters to the new DFRPG rules once we got those.

One of my players joined the group after we switched over to the DFRPG rules, so that's all she knows.

It's a lot of fun, and the streamlined, focused rules make the game more dynamic for everyone.

However, some of my more experienced players keep wanting to use rules that aren't in the DFRPG. I have one guy who's still upset that his swashbuckler was "nerfed" because he can't use Flurry of Blows, Heroic Charge, Dual-Weapon Attack, Parry Missile Weapons, or Targeted Attack (Rapier Thrust/Eye) any more. (Yeah, I know. The horror.)

I also have a druid who really misses her Shapeshifting (Bear), Shapeshifting (Falcon), and Shuriken Leaf spells.

Thus far, I have only let a couple of rules seep in from G4e: I kept Telegraphic Attack. I customized a Scholar profession for my dwarf scholar-wizard and let him remain a multi-profession character. Some of my monsters still have traits that aren't in DF.

I'm sorely tempted to bring back Beats (MA, pp. 100-101), Pummeling (MA, p. 111), Shoves with Weapons (MA, p. 112), and Long Weapons in Close Combat (MA, p. 117), though. I've considered inserting the Aerobatics, Aquabatics, Area Knowledge, Flight, History, and Teamster skills. I'm also thinking of giving my munchkin swashbuckler his Parry Missile Weapons back (although none of that other stuff) and restoring my druid's spells.

Have any other GMs or players had experience with this? Will I bog down the combat too much if I bring in the extra rules? Am I missing some approximation of the skills that I listed? Is there are a reason beyond space in the books that Shapeshifting was removed (i.e., does it "break" the system in any way)? Is this going to lead to a slippery slope where all the old rules are restored?

What are your thoughts on integrating bits of G4e into the DFRPG? And should I be posting this in the DFRPG forums, or will it "scare off those new to the game"?
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