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Old 04-16-2018, 04:59 PM   #9
Join Date: Jul 2008
Default Re: Space combat experiences

Originally Posted by Phantasm View Post
Several of the SM +4 to SM +6 expy craft in SS4 appear to work on that assumption, though I don't have the book on my phone to check the wording. The big question seems to be: does it break anything to treat multiple identical same-facing batteries as one? On small craft, I don't think it does, and can keep things simpler (and faster) in play by doing so. Larger craft, however, are a bit of a crapshoot, especially if you've got ten tertiary batteries of two SMs smaller in each of three or more hull locations (such as an SM +16 craft meant to face SM +10s, ala a Star Destroyer vs a Corellian Corvette).
I don't really believe in 'breaking things' on this level, but the answer is almost certainly that it doesn't. In most circumstances adding together weapons makes them weaker, so it won't be overpowered. And it seems unlikely that many ships of sufficient size to have multiple gunners will also have multiple identical fixed batteries, so no ships will likely be penalized by being forced to combine weapons they would prefer not to.

And, as people have noted before, it doesn't really make any sense that a single gunner can't direct multiple turrets, let alone multiple 'fixed' guns in moderately separated mountings. So I certainly would raise no simulationism complaint at allowing it.
I don't know any 3e, so there is no chance that I am talking about 3e rules by accident.
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