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Old 04-14-2018, 05:27 AM   #21
Join Date: Jun 2006
Default Re: Selling organs, and regeneration

Originally Posted by Bengt View Post
How often fast does blood actually regenerate? I mean the official blood donor service here will call someone in at most every 12th week for 0.5 l. I assume that includes a huge safety margin, but the baseline x24 is still only 1 l per week, so it's hard to see this is as a real money maker.
Can you even sell blood more often? I assume blood donation services *track* how often you come in, specifically to watch out for people for whom the cash is more important than their health and safety. In order to pull this off you may need to spend more points on Alternate Identities that you would on some less bizarre source of Wealth.

Sure in the sort of dystopian fantasy setting that has any significant number of black market transplant clinics at all there are doubtless operations that would ignore that. But in those blood probably isn't worth very much - you can always disappear another homeless person and drain them dry instead.
MA Lloyd
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