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Old 08-08-2017, 05:17 AM   #9
Join Date: Jun 2017
Default Re: [Basic] Advantage of the Week (#43): Dominance, Infectious Attack, Slave Mentalit

Hello veryone. I've tried to convert the Gibberling Brood infectious attack in Gurps terms, but find some difficulties.

Power description :

"...the brood gibberling, which gives birth to larvae called gibberslugs, which writhe beneath the skin of the brood gibberling. They are injected into the flesh of anyone the brood gibberling bites, including other gibberlings. The slugs then grow steadily and consume the body of their host from the inside, eventually bursting out through the skin. A brood gibberling can actually control those it has created, leading to the development of "clans" of the monsters."

Now : Dominance advantage -> but the transformation is caused by a slug (delivered by bite or spit ad distance) that must reach the skin, burrow in and then reach the brain. After that the victim lapses in a coma and mutates in a gibberling in 24-hour time.

So i add enhancement No onset time and a limitation to keep the fact that the victim mus t be "slain" to activate the transformation and the following domination.

In modelling the attack i used the innate attack 1d toxic , blood agent, follow up, but i have to add cyclic, but it does not work well since once inside the worm start eating the way to the brain, but it not takes a specificed amount of time.

Any suggestions?
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