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Old 06-18-2019, 11:58 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2005
Default Suggestions for item enchantments

Short version: SF/Fantasy overlap. In a particular star system, magic works. Items can be enchanted by mages, but can also become enchanted by constant exposure to extreme environment, the more extreme, the more energy per year. A young woman, frozen in cryostasis, has passed ten thousand years in a cometary orbit within this system prior to her ship being able to enter a parking orbit of a human-compatible planet and send her pod to the surface, where she can be revived at long last. She's a sabre fencer, part of what would have been an entire colony's worth of people, and hers the only cryopod still working; it and the great ship are on their last legs.

Now, I'm looking for suggestions on what enchantments her personal effects might have acquired after ten thousand years in deep space (the dips into the life zone were too brief to count against the time in deep space), meaning a per-item energy budget of up to 10,000 points. I already have a clear concept for her sabre.

Last edited by Whitewings; 06-19-2019 at 12:23 AM.
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