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Old 09-11-2018, 07:22 PM   #5
Join Date: Apr 2012
Default Re: Odd New West - A (not Fallout) Post Apocalypse Adventure

Session 2

The scene opens with our intrepid explorers facing the dead rising from their what should have been their eternal slumber. Behind the altar Declan shielded the madly sobbing girl, wrapping her in his arms and turning her from the horror. Booker, readied his radiation rifle to blast the undead. Clark drew his derringer and Solomon aimed his pistol at the rising corpse while stepping away. Debbie unlimbered her cutting arm and Think Tank continued his examination of the corpse in front of him. The once deceased deputy sheriff rose to his feet and began advancing on Solomon while a second corpse opened it eyes.

Booker shot the corpse, singing its clothes and burning its skin, to no obvious effect. Clark shot at the corpse, missing. Solomon again shot the corpse again for little effect. Debbie struck the corpse before her, skewering its groin with her yard long vibro-blade. Think Tank telekinetically grappled the most recently awoken zombie, halting its progress. The deputy latched its teeth into Solomon's shoulder, biting him and almost breaking the skin. A third zombie opened its eyes

Booker began preparing to shoot again, charging his rifle. Clark Shot the corpse again, this time scoring a hit. Solomon again shot the deputy, not the sheriff, this time slowing the creature a bit. Debbie slashed the horror Think Tank had restrained, scoring a terrible wound, Think Tank used his power to try to snap the creature's neck, failing due to the unnatural strength of the undead. The zombie on Solomon again attempted to bite, but failed to land his attack, while the zombie grappled by Think Tank's mind broke free of his mental bonds. The recently awoken zombie (third for those of you counting) rose to its feet. A fourth Zombie opened its eyes.

Booker launched a massive shot at the Zombie in contact with Solomon and ended its unnatural existence. Clark began the slow process of reloading his antiquated pistol. Solomon took the opportunity to shoot the newly risen zombie, scoring a hit. Debbie scored another hit with her vibro-blade severing the foot of the zombie. Think Tank again grappled the zombie he previously held, succeeding in his mental wrestling. For their part the Zombie Think Tank grappled tried to break the hold but failed, the one Solomon shot and Debbie crippled crawled forward, mortally wounded, but undaunted in tis goal of reaching the party. The fourth zombie rose to its feet, and a fifth awoke.

Booker again began charging his weapon for another shot. Clark continued reloading. Solomon shot the now grievously wounded zombie finishing it. Debbie switched her attack to the zombie Think Tank had grappled, slicing it in half, killing it, again. Think Tank grappled the crawling zombie, seizing it with his mind. The grappled, crawling zombie struggled against his invisible bonds, to no avail. Zombie #4 began chewing on Debbie's armor. Zombie #5 rose to its feet. Zombie #6 opened his eyes.

Booker changed tactics and ignited a patch of ground around several supine and one standing zombie into flames. Clark continued reloading. Solomon shot the zombie advancing on him, emptying his revolver. Debbie switched to her cannon, preparing to shoot the zombie on Solomon. Think Tank mentally snapped the neck of Zombie #3. Zombie # 4 continued his slow advance on Solomon, closing with the detective. Zombie #5 continued chewing on Debbie, Zombie #6 stood amidst the flames while zombie #7 awoke in fire.

Booker prepared to fire again. Clark finished his reload. Solomon began the process of reloading his revolver. Debbie shot the zombie on Solomon, removing the Zombie's head cleanly at the shoulders. Think Tank telekinetically grappled Zombie #6, holding it in place as it slowly roasted. Zombie 4 continued its futile attack on Debbie, Zombie 6 continued to fight Think Tank's hold, without success. Zombies 7 and 8 stopped functioning as they roasted in the flames.

Zombie #5 expired in a fusillade of attacks while Think Tank broke the neck of Zombie #6. With the threat of hungry undead relieved, Booker began hyperventilating in a post-traumatic episode. Think Tank resumed his autopsy. Solomon tended to his wound while Think Tank offered a more, invasive solution. The party examined its immediate surroundings for clues while the girl the rescued gibbered about her attacker. After a few fruitless minutes, the alter began to glow and the zombies on the ground began to knit back together and rise again.

Combat began anew, but he party quickly put down the zombies, by destroying the alter, as the undead healed amidst pulses of sickening radiance from the alter. Booker noted that when the altar pulsed, he felt much more powerful, all the rest of the group noticed was an increased tingling. Booker scavenged a piece of the alter which he determined to be local granite. Deciding that there was still an active threat, the party decided to continue to explore the facility. Solomon discovered some recent tracks heading to a door next to what looked like an elevator. The party discovered a stairwell descending into the depths of the facility.

The party plunged a level down, embarking on the 2nd landing. They pushed bravely through the door into a sepulcher like corridor. Debbie detected the fainest heat signature coming from a door near the end of the hall. The part proceeded and discovered a strange room of dark consoles next to beds covered with glass canopies. Think Tank identified the room as a med bay full of auto-docs. The only one radiating any heat was frosted over with a mist, the rest were empty and clear. Solomon touched the console and got the impression of an ancient figure, full of horror, desperately closing the glass canopy of the bed. Think Tank opened the canopy with his mind to reveal a hazard suited figure, supine upon the slab. Think Tank thought an awakening thought into the mind of the figure.

The figure awoke slowly and identified himself as Victor, the group offered him employment in their band. Seeing the opportunities, rose from the auto-doc, gathered his hidden gear and proceeded with the rest of the party. The group explored the rest of the level, finding barracks with one lived in bed and matching evidence in the nearby latrine. Solomon aging tested the living quarters for impressions and had a disturbing vision of a twisted man in black robes gibbering to himself about something incomprehensible. The party continued to the next level.

The thirst level consisted of a long wide hallway with doors to the left and right mid corridor and one squarely at the end. Detecting nothing to either side, and hearing the faint sounds of chanting from ahead, the party proceeded. Think Tank projected his consiousness beyond the door and espied the black robed figure kneeling on the ground before a pentacle guarded by 10 zombies.

When think Tank conveyed this information, the party prepared themselves before the door. Debbie flung the door open and the necromancer died in a hail of bullets. Unfortunately, this disrupted but do not end the magical effect the foul mage was creating, for out of the slow mist in the center of the pentacle formed a figure out of nightmare. Nine feed to hulking red muscular flesh, huge bat wings, horns, and forked tail menaced the group.

While several of the team devolved into huddled masses, Debbie and Victor opened up and blew the demon into small bloody chunks, chunks which Think Tank quickly collected as samples.

(…to be continued)
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