Thread: Lilin
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Old 10-22-2019, 06:34 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2006
Default Lilin

These are evil demons of the night, the children of Lilith. They appear as beautiful humanoids but they have clawed predatory bird like talons for feet and wings on their back. They use an Infernal Sex appeal skill to control humans and if they succeed with their skill the human never notices their unnatural features. The often come in at night to feed on newborns and that is why amulets are used to keep them at bay.

In combat they can use a weapon and their talons on their feel. Their hands an quickly grow long talons for combat if they do not have a weapon handy. When angered they can cause fear by showing the demonic nature in their eyes. They can see in darkness and also create it too. They can also emit a shriek to summon more of their kind.

Their main attack is to use Sex Appear then embrace their victim and then use their back leg talons to tend them. So for this I think that a Grappling or Wrestling skill but I am not sure how to do the rending attack. Any advice?
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