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Old 08-24-2017, 01:11 PM   #38
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Buffalo, New York
Default Re: Alternative Psionics

Originally Posted by sir_pudding View Post
The problem with 3e Psionics is that was most apparent at higher point levels, I ran a Supers game once and the psi easily outclassed all the other characters.
I'm curious. What were the point levels being used in your campaign at the time?

I learned early on as part of my "style" - that it is often best to keep a tight rein on the points being granted to players in game play, and to use the time use rules for learning new things etc.

I also made it a point to say that points could not be spent on things not done in game play (Oddly enough, because a player saved up 40 points unspent, and suddenly spent those 40 points on increasing his Psionic abilities in a Harn World campaign - so I agree with you there on the high end psionics being really world shaking!)

The thing that maybe would have saved 3e Psionics, is if the designers of the rules had priced those higher abilities on a scale much like they did with attributes. The lower functionality powers relatively cheap, the higher functionality commensurately higher - instead of a linear cost across the board?

That's old history to be sure, but just my musing "scaled costs instead of linear" might give the original poster a clue on how to resolve those issues if he uses the 3e set instead of the 4e set in his campaign.

I could write more, but that's potentially off topic. ;)
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