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Old 09-19-2020, 10:08 AM   #7
Alden Loveshade
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Default Re: Status: Cost of living to hirelings

Originally Posted by MaryAnn View Post
I still don´t get it, assuming TL 8 with the cost of living defined by the Cost of Living Table,

1) How many functionaries or servants would you get at each level of Status?
2) How many bodyguards?

I believe that there must be a way to determine the relative power of each level of Status when compared to each other and that also for the same level of Status there should be an acceptable range of values ​​in such a way that a level 7 cannot have more reach than a level 8...
I may be misunderstanding your question, but in the GURPS Basic Set p. B266 it does have What Cost of Living Gets You: A Modern Example (TL 8). It doesn't give exact numbers, but does say things like Status 5 gets you "dozens of functionaries (often including a team of bodyguards)," Status 2 gets a housekeeper, and Status 1 has no servants.

The GM can decide how many "a team" is for their own campaign. GURPS is intended as a roleplaying system or toolkit that lets the GM pick and choose what they want. The "acceptable range of values" is what the GM determines it to be.

The second most important rule in GURPS is "As with all things, the GM’s word is final" (p. B32). The most important rule in GURPS is this: "You can do whatever you want . . . that’s the whole point of the system. Most important: Have fun!" (p. B8).
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