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Old 01-24-2012, 02:39 AM   #23
Join Date: Aug 2008
Default Re: The First Interbellum (1918-1939)

The plot thickens...

I wonder just how many factions are currently (as of this point in this thread and on this planet) running around with advanced access to psi and flux. There has to be something almighty important going on in the shadows we haven't seen yet, or a couple of nigh-immortal Atlantean avatars would surely have squashed Unity like a bug by now.

Some would argue that last point, but does anyone really think that a guy who was one of the most powerful fluxons on the planet over 5,000 years ago *and* who had a pretty good idea at the time of what they were facing in Unity *and* carries a really big grudge against it could not obliterate it from the planet if he was unopposed by other fluxons? Feh.

He/ they must be massively distracted by something. Probably several somethings. And likely more than one of these somethings has ties off-planet as the mass Atlantean death scream got a LOT of attention from the galactic stage... and many of those groups regularly think in terms of millennia when plotting.

I look forward to finding out. :)
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