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Old 03-15-2019, 11:16 AM   #6
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Magical Creatures and Talents

I too agree with Chris, and I think some of what he wrote is actually called out in the rules here and there.

That is, summoned creatures are conjured from magical energy, and have no education. They can start with basic weapon talents but not peculiar or expert-type ones (no Thrown Weapons, Toughness, Running, Expert/Master, Unarmed Combat, Physicker, Scholar, etc).

Elementals are created by Create Elemental - it doesn't summon ones that have been around that might have learned talents, though if you find such an elemental, you can try to control it, and then it's up to the GM whether that elemental might have learned any talents or not. I tend to think elementals are pretty focused on tuning into their element and nature etc rather than learning practical ego-talents the way human adventurers do, but there might be some exceptions.

As for dragons, I have been developing them and have considered that:

* It would be a balance issue to let the dragons wizards can summon (or make illusions of) have increased abilities.

* The dragons as written are rather weak for creatures of their size, let alone description, especially 4-hex dragons.

Therefore I think the as-summoned dragons are like minimal vanilla versions with no life experience.

I think actual dragons that have experienced and survived life in the wild may tend to have talents, increased stats, and/or spells.

I ran the talents and spells idea by Steve on TFT Discord, and he said off the cuff that seemed to make sense and that he'd not consider giving some a spell or two "an awful heresy". ;-)

Originally Posted by me on TFT Discord
I think dragons shouldn't be much stronger if the summon dragon spells are unchanged, but 4 hex Dragon has ST of a bear, only does 2d-2 with claws, and if it uses breath, drains it's own ST fast. I am thinking dragons from spells might be like domestic low end ones, and real experienced ones would have higher ST and talents.
Originally Posted by Steve on TFT Discord
That would make sense.
Originally Posted by me on TFT Discord
Oh, and I know it was 30 years ago, but when you wrote in ITL that dragons are never wizards, does that mean they also can't learn spells for 3 points? Or might some older ones have learned a spell or two?
Originally Posted by Steve on TFT Discord
I would not consider that an awful heresy.
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