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Old 06-09-2008, 07:25 AM   #14
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Default Re: Using wishing ring against Curse! Rations Spoiled.

Originally Posted by Progmode
Originally Posted by DenSpb
Well, some easier question: While rolling for bad luck in Rations Spoiled case, some player used (Re)Loaded Die. After rolling looser uses Wishing Ring. Do (Re)Loaded dice return to owner?
I would say no.
Unfortunately, given Erik's ruling (above) that the Wishing Ring can be used AFTER the victims are decided upon.

I see RevBob's point, in that the dice rolls are part of the Curse, and thus should be treated as part of the Curse's function -- if you wait until the dice are being rolled, you've accepted the Curse being cast (so to speak). At least the way the Curse is written ("This curse affects the whole party. Everyone with a Steed rolls a die....")

Plus, I think I prefer the "you rolls the dice, you takes your chances" aspect.

On the flip side, we already have as precedent Erik's ruling on how Wishing Ring works with Curse! Income Tax:
The Wishing Ring says that it CANCELS any curse. This means that if a player uses it, the curse is gone and everyone is spared if the curse's effects are global. The only card that currently overrides that is New Edition Rules, of course. So, what happens if everyone dumps their cards, and the last guy decides to use a Wishing ring? Everyone gets their stuff back.
Given the "everyone gets there stuff back" if the last guy in line decides to use Wishing Ring after all, I don't see the current ruling re: Rations Spoiled as conflicting.

Mind you, I don't like it. But, as Erik finished off his above ruling re: Income Tax:
However, a less friendly group would probably use my "all or one" philosophy as a house rule.
I'd definitely consider my group as "less friendly", though I'm undecided on how that would affect the use of a (Re)Loaded Die in my games. A conflict between applied logic and cruel shoes.
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