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Old 05-22-2016, 07:51 PM   #15
Fossilized Rappy
Join Date: Jun 2015
Default Re: Fallen Stars: A Setting in a Mutant-Filled Post-Apocalyptic America

Mutant Variants
From a mechanical standpoint, not all mutants are built from the ground up. Some, like those here, are instead minor alterations to existing mutants. Sometimes these mutants are actually literal variants, another subspecies of an existing mutant species, while other times they are a different species that happens to be very similar. Mutant variant entries are somewhat condensed compared to standard mutant entries due to the fact that they are meant to illustrate the differences between the standard mutant and the variant rather than highlight already existing traits a second time. The following are some mutant variants found in Fallen America.

Balam (Wampus Variant)
Scientific Name: Homo feliformus maculatus
Range: Southwestern United States to Amazonia

The balam is another subspecies of "catfolk", like the wampus; unlike the wampus, however, the balam is built for power as much as it is speed. They are physically differentiated from their kin by thick, muscular physiques and fur that is yellow with black rosettes. While they do not suffer from the claustrophobia of their wampus kin, balams are both irritable and extremely uncomfortable in groups. Most individuals live a hermit-like existence deep in the wilderness and live by hunting and eating the native wildlife.

Variant Data: Increase Acute Hearing to 4 [2], remove Phobia (Claustrophobia) [30], and add ST +1 [10], Temperature Tolerance 2 (+2 to upper range) [2], Limited Camouflage (Thick vegetation) [1], (Bad Temper (9 or less) [-15], and Loner (6 or less) [-10]. Template point total is changed to 60.

Dwarf (Puck Variant)
Scientific Name: Homo diminius troglodytes
Range: Northern Hemisphere

A subterranean subspecies of puck, dwarves are stout, boxy-framed individuals with copious blubber beneath their pale and rubbery skin, large hands with long, thick fingers that act like scoops, and faces that are marked by rat-like ears and tiny milky white eyes. While completely blind, these underground dwellers make up for it with excellent hearing, well-honed echolocation, and microscopic sensory cilia lining their meaty palms.

Variant Data: Remove Acute Vision [-4], ST penalty [20], DX bonus [-20], and Robust Vision [-1], increase Acute Hearing to 4 [2], and add Sensitive Touch [10], Sonar (Extended arc, 240°, +75%) [35], Thick Blubber [18], Burrower [1], Robust Hearing [1], Blindness [-50], Ham-Fisted 1 [-5], Bulky Frame [-1], and Sunburns Easily [-1]. Template point total is changed to 45.

Orc (Goblin Variant)
Scientific Name: Homo tenax magnus
Range: Worldwide

An uncommon subspecies of goblin, orcs have their gangly bodies extended to human heights rather than those of standard goblins. While the height difference alone would be enough to help differentiate the two, orcs also have further unique traits as well: larger claws on hands and feet that do not have the gecko-like pads of standard goblins, sharp teeth, squared and somewhat downturned noses, and leathery skin ranging in color from bone white to dull brownish-gray. Their inability to naturally cling to surfaces seems to be beneficially coupled with a lack of the discomfort for ground living that standard goblins have. This, combined with slightly stronger but no less limber bodies, makes orcs more popular than goblins with some scavenger crews.

Variant Data: Change Size Modifier to +0 and Claws (Blunt) to Claws (Sharp) [2], remove ST penalty [10], Clinging [-20], and Won't Sleep on the Ground or Floor [1], and add Acute Taste and Smell 3 [6] Damage Resistance 1 (Tough skin, 40%) [3], Rapid Healing [5], Teeth (Sharp) [1], Robust Hearing [1], and Robust Smell [1]. Template point total is changed to 30.

Samebito (Deep One Variant)
Scientific Name: Homo ichthyocephalus pacificus
Range: Warm Pacific coastline

The deep ones' Pacific cousins, samebito have a distinctive shark-like appearance both in the shapes of their heads and their thick, leathery gray skin. They are also slimmer but more muscular, adapted to making powerful motions in open waters throughout the South Pacific and along the American Pacific Coast from California to northern Chile. Samebito do not suffer the ocular photosensitivity or agoraphobia of their kin as a result of this alternate habitat. As a rather disturbing trait instead, however, they can suffer sudden snaps of judgment and uncontrolled violence in the presence of blood. This makes many other beings – and even other samebito – hesitant to work with one in a situation where injury is likely, and many samebito intentionally use nasal blockages or other scent-fooling techniques to keep themselves in check.

Variant Data: Increase ST bonus to +2 [10], remove DX penalty [20], Thick Blubber [-18], Scales [-1], Phobia (Agoraphobia) [15], and Photosensitivity [1] and add Acute Vision 1 [2], Damage Resistance 2 (Tough skin, 40%) [6], Reduced Consumption 3 (Cast-iron stomach, -50%) [3], and Berserk (9 or less; trigger, scent of blood, -10%) [-13]. Template point total is changed to 45.

Sprite (Puck Variant)
Scientific Name: Homo diminius sylvestris
Range: Warm and temperate regions worldwide

Another subspecies of puck is the sprite, easily identified by the fact that its waifish body has almost human proportions at a lessened height rather than the almost caricature-like proportions of pucks and dwarves – the exception being fingers double the length of a standard human's. They can easily pop and twist their joints into contorted positions that even normal pucks wouldn't dare attempt, which combines with their thin bodies to allow them to squeeze into cracks and crevices to either travel to difficult to reach areas or evade pursuers. Sprites are easily startled by both loud noises and strangers, and typically move to even more remote locations than standard pucks dwell in.

Variant Data: Increase Flexibility to Double-Jointed [10] and Shyness to Severe [-5] and add Compact Frame [1], Long Fingers and Thumbs [1], Fearfulness 1 [-2], and Phobia (Brontophobia, 9 or less) [-15]. Template point total is changed to 30.

Troll (Ogre Variant)
Scientific Name: Homo mephitis grandis
Range: Northern hemisphere

The largest subspecies of ogre, trolls stand between 8 ½ and 10 feet tall. Their longer and sharper claws, ram-like horns, and slitted pupils all give them a decidedly predatory air that unnerves many smaller near-humans. Of course, this isn't all show – trolls are indeed carnivorous rather than omnivorous, as well as nocturnal – but caravan tales of monstrous man-eating trolls lurking in the dark are rarely if ever true. Most trolls have the same range of personality as ogres, merely living "on the night shift" rather than seen during the day.

Variant Data: Change SM to +1 and Claws (Blunt) to Claws (Sharp) [2], increase ST to +6 [14; size modifier alteration to price taken into account], and add Curved Horns [5], Night Vision 5 [5], Restricted Diet (Carnivore) [-10], and Photosensitivity [-1]. Template point total is changed to 60.

Vampire (Ghoul Variant)
Scientific Name: Homo sapiens hypocola, "Nosferatu phenotype"
Range: Worldwide

Vampires are a specific aberrant mutation within the ghoul population rather than a true unique species or subspecies; they are part the same subspecies, and are born randomly to standard ghoul parents. Unlike regular ghouls, their pale gray hides don't show any manner of rampant skin condition by default, their heads always default to having short rat-like muzzles and pointed ears rather than showing wide variation, and their incisors are particularly long compared to their other array of sharp teeth. The most unique part of the vampire condition, however, is that their need for humanoid meat is displaced with a need for their blood. Presumably as an aid to this sanguivorous lifestyle, vampires have an anticoagulating agent in their saliva. Unlike most ghouls, who often gather together for safety or strength in numbers, vampires are somewhat averse to communal living.

Variant Data: Change Restricted Diet from human or near-human flesh to human or near-human blood (no price alteration) and Teeth (Sharp) to Teeth (Fangs) [1], increase Acute Hearing to 4 [2], remove Pestilent [-1], and add Anticoagulant Saliva [13] and Loner (12 or less) [-5]. Template point total is changed to 35.

Last edited by Fossilized Rappy; 05-23-2016 at 07:49 AM.
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