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Old 09-21-2017, 08:47 PM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Buffalo, New York
Default Re: Convertin GURPS CLASSIC ROBOTS for use with 4e

Originally Posted by a humble lich View Post
I agree that the third edition Vehicles and Robots books are quite usable in fourth edition. Its not like physics has changed between editions; you just have to be careful with regards to the game stats.

Another important thing to consider is that the numbers for ST in 3e were much higher than in 4e. This is probably discussed in the Update book, but I thought it is worth noting separately here. I've used the conversion: 4e ST = sqrt(10* 3e ST)
I forgot about that. If you look at GURPS UPDATE, they give you a more specific table of what ST in 4e equates to in 3e and give the formula you mentioned above.

Since I was trying to preserve as much of the older rules as possible without major modification, but the Lifting Strength issue is ENTIRELY different in the new rules...

What I did was use Excel to determine how well your formula would work above and I had to use this in its place: =ROUND(SQRT(10*A2),0)

Oopsie: Forgot to mention that the value A2 in the formula above refers to Old GURPS ST, sorry about that.

Thanks for the sharp eye on that. Since ST equals Hit Points where the Attribute is concerned, but Hit Points is its own trait in GURPS ROBOTS, I think we can avoid that particular issue.

I think that when building robot arms for GURPS 4e ST values, that we should consider how the progression works (see below). It seems that after ST 12, each ST group for the 4e, covers three older ST values for GURPS 3e. As a suggestion? Where the 4e covers 2 ST values, use the highest when designing the arm or leg motors. When building for ST 13+, always use the Middle ST value for the Old GURPS ROBOTS values. For instance?

ST 3 in 4e is ST 1 in GURPS ROBOTS. ST 8 in 4e is a ST 7 Old GURPS ROBOTS arm. ST 15 is an Old GURPS ROBOTS ST 23 robotic arm. For the most part, it preserves the rules from GURPS CLASSIC ROBOTS, yet enters into the realm of 4e stats as they are meant to be.

Old 	New	Basic Lift
1	3	1.8
2	4	3.2
3	5	5
4	6	7.2
5	7	9.8
6	8	12.8
7	8	12.8
8	9	16.2
9	9	16.2
10	10	20
11	10	20
12	11	24.2
13	11	24.2
14	12	28.8
15	12	28.8
16	13	33.8
17	13	33.8
18	13	33.8
19	14	39.2
20	14	39.2
21	14	39.2
22	15	45
23	15	45
24	15	45
25	16	51.2
26	16	51.2
27	16	51.2
28	17	57.8

Last edited by hal; 09-23-2017 at 08:05 AM. Reason: Oopsie: forgot to mention what A2 is in the formula for Excel
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