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Old 07-08-2011, 09:31 AM   #29
GURPS Line Editor
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Default Re: Question about cutting a throat.

If you actually read manuals penned by combat veterans – e.g., Fairbairn's – you'll learn that the "one-stab kill" is pure Hollywood myth. As others have pointed out, the stab isn't the most important part; that's the stealthy approach followed by the solid grapple from behind. In effect, you achieve a kind of surprise headlock from the rear first, and then use this to control the victim while you stab or slice repeatedly. (The closest I know of to a one-stab immobilization is a thrust up into the brain past the base of the skull; in GURPS terms, a thrust to the skull hit location, most likely done as All-Out Attack (Strong) to drive the blade in.)

Abilities that would help here:
  • Stealth, to get behind the victim
  • Judo or Wrestling skill for the grab, or Boxing, Brawling, or Karate skill plus the Clinch* perk if you prefer
  • techniques like Targeted Attack (Judo or Wrestling Grapple/Face), Targeted Attack (Judo or Wrestling Grapple/Neck), or possibly Head Lock (which is at -2 to initiate one-handed)*
  • high ST, Lifting ST†, and/or a good Wrestling skill to keep the opponent from breaking free
  • Knife skill for the slash or stab
  • Targeted Attack (Knife Cut/Neck), Targeted Attack (Knife Thrust/Neck), or Targeted Attack (Knife Thrust/Skull) technique*
  • a Combination* that includes the grapple and the strike
  • high ST and/or Striking ST† to do lots of damage, because you are sawing to the bone or forcing a knife in, so power is vital ("the knife so sharp that it does the job for you" is more myth)
* See Martial Arts.
† May require Special Exercises perks, also in Martial Arts.
Combat rules that would be useful to remember:
  • Surprise Attacks and Initiative (pp. B393-394) to get behind the target and eliminate his active defense
  • Telegraphic Attack (Martial Arts, p. 113) for a bonus to hit a target who won't likely get a defense anyway
  • All-Out Attack (p. B365) for multiple attacks and/or more damage, and especially All-Out Grapple and Strike (Martial Arts, p. 118) to use your grapple to pull the victim onto your knife for bonus damage
  • Reversed Grip (Martial Arts, p. 111) for bonus damage if you stab
  • New Hit Locations (Martial Arts, p. 137) for some even more damaging targets to slice up
  • The Sound of One Hand Grappling (Martial Arts, p. 116) if trying some fancy lock one-handed in order to be able to stab with the other hand
Those seeking one-stab kills like in the movies will want a special ability common in the Dungeon Fantasy series: Striking ST (Only on surprise attack, -60%) [2/level]. There, up to 10 levels are allowed. You'll find that this does the job. Weapon Master (Knife), with its per-die damage bonus, is also nice. You can get pretty close to the knife that does all the work for you by selecting a long knife (Martial Arts, p. 228) and making it very fine; this would be good Signature Gear for someone with the cinematic abilities above. Note that a realistic combat knife is probably a fine large knife, though.
Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch <>
GURPS Line Editor, Steve Jackson Games
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