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Old 08-13-2011, 01:21 AM   #29
tHEhERETIC's Avatar
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Location: Life imitates art--I'm in Pohang
Default Re: In Nomine Virtual Atlas

Originally Posted by Phoenix42 View Post
It's great, especially because I've been looking for stuff like that for my game too; every time there's a conversation along the lines of
Player 1: "I'm going to Honolulu - is there a Gabriel tether I can hop to?"
GM: "Yeah sure, some volcano I guess..."
Player 2: "Oh cool, how about an Eli tether...?
GM: "Erm...."
I've had great fun imagining the tension and denial between Pele and Gabriel, both of whom have powerfully strong ties to Kilauea. I even thought about writing some more IN stuff for Hawaii, but since I've never been there I'm at a disadvantage.

I've also flirted with a War tether along the defense perimeter of Busan, South Korea. There's a film "71 Into the Fire" or variations on (the title's a translation) that treats it in a very inspiring way. There's also a cathedral in Seoul dedicated to 103 Korean Christian martyrs and their generally gruesome deaths---to Faith, or to Death? And which Death? And the DMZ to Jordi, though it would probably be a short writeup.

I could make a case for Dokdo/Takeshima/Liancourt Rocks as a tether to Factions, but that would mean writing about something that irritates me personally and I'd find it impossible not to get snarky.

Alas, my best excuse in all of those is time.
Criminy...these two have enough issues, they can sell subscriptions! (ladyarcana55, in a PM)
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