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Old 08-06-2017, 11:57 AM   #1
Johnny Angel
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Pennsylvania
Default Navigating Strange Worlds

Here on Earth, the concept of using the sun, stars, and various other objects in the sky to navigate is a common idea. On other similar planets and worlds, the same concepts and skills can still be used. The sky simply looks different on those worlds because you have a different point of reference. However, as I was doing some prep work for a campaign I will be running, it dawned on me that what I had in mind for the setting I was creating might make navigational skills and concepts, ones which I take for granted to be simple, might be more difficult.

What I had in mind was that the game's world would actually be a habitable moon which orbits a large planet. At first, I gave that little thought. I simply wanted the sky of my fantasy setting to look different, and I wanted to try something radically different than what I had used before. Upon further thought, I questioned whether or not night time navigation would be more difficult due to the proximity and/or size of the planet. I have seen pictures of what the Earth looks like from the moon, and I do not imagine any extra difficulty in that situation.

But does having something larger, such as Jupiter or Saturn (or perhaps even bigger), dominating the sky upon which you're looking add any difficulty to navigating? My gut feeling is "not really," but I wanted to check my thoughts against a community which often has a better understanding of celestial mechanics and concepts than I do.
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