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Old 01-26-2016, 03:10 PM   #29
Damon Griffin
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: San Antonio, TX
Default Re: List of all Cards from Accessories and such

Originally Posted by CaptainChwelve View Post
That's too bad, the comic is really getting quite good. And I believe that there's a promo code and a bonus in this upcoming issue. So it's not like you'd be left completely empty handed if you don't intend to read the comic.
I'll look at it before deciding, but it may be a promo code for something I'm not interested in, and/or a "bonus" in some form I'm not interested in. Things I personally don't care about may be really good for lots of other people, but would effectively leave me empty handed.

Although it's unquestionably a valid portrayal of a Munchkin, I find the whole bratty, entitled character of Spyke distasteful in the same way I do Bart Simpson at his worst, or the "peeing Calvin" of window stickers. I can be selfish and greedy without that.

An unfortunate side effect of my peculiar preferences is that I don't enjoy Ian McGinty's art as much as I might, because he captures that attitude so perfectly. I do understand his popularity, and recognize I'm in a small minority here. But it's one more reason I don't care to read the comic.

Possibly I should have waited for an eventual Munchkin Comic Khan blister pack that would collect all the cards from the comic issues and add a few new ones to bring the total to fifteen. But who knows if that's going to be a thing? Waiting is not my strong suit.
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